Monday, April 4, 2011

Letters To Myself

Image by Jamie Bates

Hello there lovelies,

The amazing Meg Needles, of Sewing Pixie wrote some beautiful letters to herself recently, and they made me think of some things I've been meaning to say to myself.

Dear Body,

I hope you've been feeling better lately, because I've really been making my best effort to take care of you. When you're coming back from such a bad head space, it's easy to forget to take care of your body, and I'm sorry for not taking care of you properly. You certainly deserve it, because you do so much for me. We've actually been getting along really well lately, and I'm really loving it. How's this: I'll keep filling you up with good food, taking you for runs, stretching out your muscles and drinking plenty of water. In return, you can keep my energy levels up, keep my bad ankle from aching, and keep healing any injuries I get super quickly.

I'm really proud of you body! You've been running four kilometres almost every night, and dancing, and doing yoga, and lifting weights (as well as heavy boxes at work), and dealing with me accidentally stabbing you with the kitchen knife when I'm too lazy to find some scissors to open a packet, AND doing it without much complaining at all. I mean, you did complain a little about the stab wound, but I can't really blame you for that. Thanks for healing it up so quickly!

But also body, I'm sorry that I was ever ashamed of you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you body. You might not ever have rock-hard abs, or buns of steel no matter how hard I work out. You might always be a little awkward and clumsy. But you're mine, and I'm yours and I'm pretty damn fond of you. I promise that from now on I will defend you to anyone who tries to say you're not beautiful, or not worthy. I will take you out, and show you off. Because you know what body? Haters gonna' hate. I, for one, refuse to be a hater any more. You're the only body I'm ever going to have, and I love that you carry me through life to the best of your ability. As part of that deal we made earlier, I'm going to try not to criticise you or put you down. We don't need that kind of negativity in our lives for any longer than it already has been. You rock body, and I'm not letting you believe you don't for one second longer.

From now on, I've got your back beautiful.

Love always,

What about you lovelies? Is there anything you'd like to say to yourself? Why not write a letter?

Until next time, xo.

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