Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Curious Tuesday...

Hello there lovelies,

Most of you are probably aware of Gala Darling's weekly "Curious Tuesday" feature. Well, today the question is "What is your favourite outfit?", and I couldn't help but supply some answers. Of course I couldn't pick just one favourite outfit, so I thought I'd do a little recap of some of my recent favourites.

Now, what do you notice about the outfits I have picked? I'll tell you what I noticed. In five out of six outfits I'm wearing pants and boots, and four of those outfits include the same pair of boots. In four I'm wearing dark skinny leg pants, and in three of them the same pair of pants. In five out of six I am wearing pants, and in every outfit I am wearing mostly black, with a little colour.

What is/are your favourite outfit/s? When you think of them, or look back at outfit photos, do you notice a pattern? Are there particular items that pop up alot? Are there some items in your wardrobe that never make an appearance? I find all these thing quite interesting to consider, especially since I'm trying to downsize everything in my life -including my wardrobe. If you're trying to do that too, then maybe answering this simple question would really help you out!

Until next time, xo.

P.S. I notice there are a few new followers of my humble blog out there! Hello, it's great to see you! If there's anything you'd like to ask me, tell me, suggest, or if you just want to chat then hit me up at i_see_the_purple_monkey@hotmail.com !

Best of the Interwebz

Photo by Amadika, found at kindness over matter.

Hey lovelies,

I've got a short, but sweet compliment of links for you today. Read on dear readers! Now, I'm off to buy sewing supplies.

Fashion Tries on Zero Waste Design is a really interesting read.

Do You Want To Be A Mermaid Or A Whale? from the lovely Gala Darling is one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time!

Learning To Be Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With is another adorable read, from the ever-amazing Corinne of Frock & Roll.

Max California made a cool tutorial for patched baby jeans, based on a pair belonging to Kingston Rossdale (Gwen Stefani's son). It could be adapted for any jeans though, so get embellishing!

Fur-ocious Pics From The Cat Fashion Show is both adorable and alarming. If you've ever tried to force your cat into a top hat, this is for you.

Men's Shirt to Jumpsuit Romper is another cute DIY tutorial from Chic Steals.

Honing a Talent is a very insightful article from Luinae of More Magic Always. I think she hits the nail right on the head!

My Top Tips For Op-Shopping from Recycled Fashion is a great guide for those starting out in the world of thifting!

Go check out Nerd Girls. Their mission is to "encourage other girls to change their world through Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, while embracing their feminine power." I think that this rocks.

Check out 119 Ways To Store And Organise Your Cats, for more kitteh cuteness.

Also, don't forget to check out Max California (again, LOL STACEY WAY TO LINK TO SOMEONE TWICE IN THE ONE POST) for Max's Self-Stitched September outfits, and the second Rock & Roll Sewalong!

Here is my newest reason for being obsessed with Taylor Momsen. Oh, you hot mess you.

Enjoy my lovelies!

Until next time, xo.

Monday, August 30, 2010

DIY Madness!

Hello there lovelies,

Now I know that at least some of you out there have been dying to see some more DIY goodness from me, and you know how I hate to disappoint you! As my first from-scratch sewing project for 22 Things Before 22 I decided to finally finish the Madeline Mini Bloomers which were the first project in Max California's Rock & Roll Sewalong.

Ta-da! Cute, puffy, rock & roll shorts.

Back view, hurray!

The fabric I used was gotten on sale at Spotlight as a remnant. I added some cool buttons, and bows of ribbon covered in hearts.

I did a terrible job (read, didn't even try) matching up the tartan, but when you're wearing the shorts you don't even notice because of how puffy they are. Yay!

I also reconstructed a t-shirt using Max California's bow-back tutorial. It started life as a rather boring stripy v-neck top, which I acquired for $2 at the op-shop. But, when combined with a little bit of lime green jersey (also from the op-shop), it became something else entirely.

From the front, it has become a round neck top, with lime green neck binding.

From the back, superawesome bow back top! Excuse bra straps, and my wierd posture making the shirt look wonky. I even used fabric from the original shirt for the middle of the bows. I'm so in love with this! I can't wait for Summer so that I can wear it.

There you go lovelies! You can be expecting a lot more DIY madness from me in future, because I'm determined to start handmaking/refashioning more things. Next on the list includes this, this, a few of these, bleached jeans, distressed/studded cutoff shorts, lots of jeans to skirt conversions, a jeans to dress conversion, a patchwork t-shirt maxi-dress, tops and skirts made from the awesome pillow cases/quilt covers I have acquired and lots of fabric paint. Oh, I also want to make some of these bracelets! Stay tuned!

Until next time, xo.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" At Kinokuniya Bookstores' Little Tokyo Store

Above, the entrance to Kinokuniya Bookstores' Little Tokyo store.

"The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" At Kinokuniya Bookstores' Little Tokyo Store

by Armand Vaquer

Yes, the title says it all! Kinokuniya Bookstores' Little Tokyo store in downtown Los Angeles is now carrying The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan in their travel book section.

Above, "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" on display.

They were delivered this morning to the store. The store is located in Little Tokyo's Weller Court (upstairs). Just look for the memorial to the space shuttle Challenger and you'll be at Weller Court.

Their address is 123 Astronaut Ellison S. Onizuka Street, Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Telephone (213) 687-4480. Kinokuniya Bookstores' Little Tokyo store is open seven days from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

I've been going to Kinokuniya in Little Tokyo for years. I make it a point to pick up a new Japanese calendar there every year. They also carry many books on kaiju and anime along with a selection of DVDs. They also occasionally carry kaiju toys.

Above, yours truly delivering the Japan monster travel guide.

If you've never been to Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, you are in for a treat. It will give you a little bit of Tokyo flavor with plenty of shops and Japanese restaurants to choose from.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Best of the Interwebz

Photo, found at yes and yes

Hey hey lovelies,

I've gathered some great links for you today, with a decidedly DIY and hilariousness lean to them. Enjoy, laugh and create!

Cutest tutorial ever from Chic Steals - Men's Shirt To Bow Tunic Dress!

On the subject of cute DIY's, here's another one from Impish DIY - How To Make A Pull-Over Shrug.

And don't forget about the Queen of the Trailer Park vs. Crafty Pirate sew-off! Thera Joyce has made another tutorial - this one for an awesome ruffled skirt made from old man pants. But, not to be outdone, Max California has been busy shredding t-shirts, and making tutorials for how to make a Bow Back Tee, and adjust a pants pattern!

New Dress A Day is possibly the most awesome blog ever. Marisa is making 365 items of clothing in 365 days for $365. Did I mention awesome?

Another of my new favourite blogs is Sailorettes, Love and Rock n' Roll. Read the cool Sailorettes, Love and Rock n' Roll manifesto!

Dressing For A Fluctuating Figure, from The Glamourous Grad Student offers some great advice for those of us who tend to lose and gain weight easily.

The Dainty Squid now has a real website! Go forth and buy cute things people!

I love #430 on the list of 1000 Awesome Things -Eating Ridiculous Things For Breakfast rocks!

An Argument for Self-Love is another great piece by Sal of Already Pretty. This one is a must-read.

Get ready to LOL - Movies That Would Have Been Ruined by Facebook is hilarious.

Design Your Own Converse! Seriously, why has no one thought of this before?

A preview of Zana Bayne's Spring 2011 collection, via Style Like U. I am so drooling over these harnesses right now.

And, for a big finish 25 Ways To Cuten Up A Box With A Cat. Adorable.

Until next time, xo.

A Little Photoshoot (Alternate Title: So Many Pictures I Kill Your Computer Dead)

Hello there lovelies!

A few weekends ago The Boyfriend and I took a trip to the Brisbane Botanic Gardens so he could try out some new types of film for his photography. So of course, I got all dolled up in the great dress I bought at Greazefest, and did a little bit of modelling for him. I was really happy with the shots he ended up getting of me (and he was happy because I didn't have to beat him up), so I thought I'd share them with you all.

I love the way my eyes just peek out from under my fringe.

I think I look bored, but The Boyfriend really likes this one.

Holy crap, boobs?

Aren't the colours from film photography amazing?

Looking a little thoughtful.

I love this one. I think I look really content and peaceful.


I don't believe I've ever explained the half-moon shaped scar on my right shoulder. It has to do with the Things I Don't Want People Knowing About Me post I made earlier this week. Once upon a time, when I was very, very,very, incredibly drunk one of my friends asked if she could bite me. I stupidly (see very, very incredibly drunk) said yes. I tried to hide the bitemark from my parents, and it got infected. I ended up with a wierd scar to remind me that stupid things can have long-lasting consequences.

Now, don't forget that if you like these you can check out The Boyfriend's photoblog for more of his work. Man I love that guy. Thanks for indulging my vanity!

Until next time, xo.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

22 Things Before 22! - Crafting Clean-Up

Hello there lovelies,
Time for an update on the 22 things front - some are going well, and others I'm falling way behind in. Taking a photo every day hasn't worked out for me so far, and the way I'm feeling at the moment it's been pretty hard for me to motivate to do anything after work, but I'm doing what I can. On the positive side, I did clean up all my crafting/sewing supplies over the weekend, and it gave me a hell of a lot of inspiration! Here's some ideas for what you can do with an over-abundance of sewing supplies.
  • Slash up old jeans, and turn them into shorts, skirts and dresses.

  • Make baggy sack dresses into cool new pin-up dresses.

  • Liven up old clothes with a bit of fabric paint, or bleach.

  • Tackle all that mending you're putting off - it will cut down on clutter, and make you feel productive! (Alternatively, steal the pants your Dad/boyfriend/husband want you to mend, and make them into this cute skirt).

  • Sort through your refashion pile - if there's anything you can't see yourself actually refashioning, donate it to charity.

  • Make a pile of t-shirt scraps into bathmats/door mats, and scarves. If you have scraps you don't have a crafty use for, use them as rags or in place of paper towel.

  • Do a crap-ton of t-shirt surgery. If you're afraid of wrecking t-shirts with sentimental value, why not neatly cut out the design and sew them all into a patchwork "memory" wall hanging?

  • Use up all those old zippers making zippers cuffs and brooches for your friends.

  • Turn buttons, ribbons, eyelets, d-rings, ribbing and any other random things into zany new accessories!

  • Take old bedsheets or quilt covers, and make them into this adorable underbust pinafore dress, or this dress. Turn pillow cases into skirts, or cute tops.

  • Throw away anything unusable. Donate anything you don't want, or can't think of a use for that may be useful for someone else.

These are all ideas that occurred to me while sorting through all the (enormous) piles of junk in my sewing room. Maybe you should give it a try! Who knows what kind of creativity may sneak up and hit you over the head with a baseball bat while you're doing it?

Until next time, xo.

Note to self: Next time, pick less violent metaphors.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Things I Don't Want People Knowing About Me

Hello there lovelies,

Kat of Inspired to Action and Megan of Princess Lastertron have both recently written about things that they don't want people knowing about them(here & here), and that got me thinking. What things don't I usually share? What don't I want people knowing about me? Why don't I want people knowing these things? So I thought up my own list - here are the things I don't usually want people knowing about me.
  1. I am incredibly shy, and I feel so awkward in social situations that it hurts. When I meet new people I worry constantly. I worry if I'm wearing the right things and if I'm saying the right things. I worry when people don't laugh at my jokes, and I worry when they do. If people don't talk to me for a while after I see them I worry that I said something wierd that made them hate me.

  2. I hate washing dishes, so sometimes the dishes sit on my sink for weeks. Until they really start to piss me off, I only wash what dishes I need for a particular meal.

  3. I've never really spent any time on my own until I stayed in Toowoomba for a week on my own recently. I moved straight from living with my parents, to living at university, to living with The Boyfriend. I'm terrified of spending any length of time alone, and when I am along I'm scared that some serial killer is going to get me.

  4. I am the most unco-ordinated person in the world. IN THE WORLD. I can't catch a ball to save my life, I constantly trip over my own feet and I have trouble staying upright on a bicycle. In fact, when I was learning to ride a bike I hit everything in sight (including the one tree in our yard). I'm always covered in bruises from walking into door frames, banging my hands and arms on things, and tripping over.

  5. I cry in pretty much everything, and at pretty much everything. I cry in episodes of House. I cry in emotional movies like The Green Mile. I cry in children's movies, like Dinosaur. I cry when I'm sad, when I'm happy and when I'm really angry.

  6. I was once pretty much an alcoholic. I couldn't bear to spend a day without drinking, and if I had to I would get angry, distressed and panicky. I blew off old friends, and lied to my family so that I could spend more time drinking. I could scull a ten-pack of Woodstock in an hour, and be whinging later that I was sober. At the end of a pay week I'd scrape together my silver change to buy more alcohol. I'd all but stopped eating, I did a lot of stupid things and I hurt a hell of a lot of people.

That's pretty much it for my list. Why I don't want people to know these things is another question entirely. Partially, I think it is because I'm embarrassed by these things. But also, I hate people knowing things that I consider weaknesses. I like to be seen as strong and in control, when in reality I am often shy, clumsy, scared and obsessive. But you know, that's ok. Having people know these things about me doesn't change who I am, it just helps them understand me. It might help the other people in your life understand you if you tell them the things you don't want them to know. Why don't you give it a try?

Until next time, xo.

Shelley Sweeney: 2006 and 2007

Above, Shelley Sweeney in "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II" (1993), her most visible role in a G-movie. Photo by Toho Co., Ltd.

Shelley Sweeney: 2006 and 2007

Text by Armand Vaquer

Canadian-born actress Shelley Sweeney has appeared in five Godzilla movies over the years (can you name them?) and was a special guest at G-FEST XIV in July 2007. She also received a mention in the "So You're Going To Japan?" section of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan since she appears in an Immigration instruction video at Narita International Airport.

On a couple of trips to Japan, I was able to meet with Shelley while there and, later, at G-FEST XIV in Chicago.

April 2006

Above, we first met up at a coffee place (I don't think it was a Starbuck's) near Azabu Juban subway station in April 2006. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Above, after coffee, we wandered around the boutique shops in Azabu Juban (a section of Tokyo). Here's Shelley outside of a toy shop. Photo by Armand Vaquer.


Above, we met up at a Tokyo Starbuck's Coffee in April 2007.

Above, two months later, we met again (this is from the award's luncheon) at G-FEST XIV.

Above, Shelley discusses her career and her five Godzilla movie appearances at G-FEST. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Dose of Style - Outside The Box

Hello there lovelies,

I've got something a little different for you in the "Dose of Style" department today. A homage, if you will, to all the people who have a style that's a bit out of the box - a bit different, a bit quirky, a little bit odd and crazy. These are the styles I admire the most. I mean, sure it takes some savvy to rock the seasons latest trends like you were born in them. But it takes a whole different kind of savvy to completely develop your own aesthetic, and adhere to it despite criticism.

This dress is completely freaking adorable! And I want a pair of those shoes so bad.

This is such a beautiful look. I love the way black can be layered using different pieces and textures, to look enchanting rather than boring.

I would kill to be able to dye my hair this colour. (Pfft, retail job? What retail job?). Pretty sure I'd also kill for this top.

Man, I love the way these guys can combine so many elements, throw so many things together, and still look completely freakin' awesome.

I can only imagine how much work would have gone into making this dress. Such an amazing piece of work.

Love. That is all. (Also, this picture once inspired me to cut up stockings and wear them as armwarmers. Yup.)

I think some of us forget that we can play with style, and have fun with it. It doesn't have to be about some rigid set of rules imposed on us by someone we have never met. It doesn't have to be about having the latest or trendiest pieces. When it really comes down to it, style is about you. And you can do anything you want with your style - so be inspired by those who dress outside the box!

Until next time, xo.

What I Wore Today! (Well, Yesterday) & Photos!

Hello there lovelies!

Just to confuse you, today I've got for you an outfit that I wore yesterday along with the photos I took on an outing today. It may not make sense, but just go along with it. Or else you'll make me mad. AND YOU WON'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M MAD. Wait, what? Forget that, here's some clothes.

Outfit Rundown

Long sleeve shirt: Trade Secret (Sass), $12.95
T-shirt: Jay Jays (Skelanimals), $20
Pants: Kmart, $19
Boots: Kmart (Grosby), $30
Sunglasses: Trade Secret (Le Specs), $14.95

Even though I am trying to be more discerning about what I buy, Skelanimals merchandise is one of my weaknesses. Along with Paul Frank, and nice boots. You know, just in case you want to buy me a birthday present. I'm pretty sure this t-shirt is going to become one of my favourites though - which is pretty good in a time when I'm trying to heavily cull my wardrobe, and handmake more things. Ok, ok, you can has pretty piktures now.

All the flowers are just starting to bloom in the forest areas around here.

I probably shouldn't find graffiti in National Parks beautiful, but I kind of do.

I love the harsh beauty of Australian forests. Seriously, sometimes I wish I could spend all my time there.

These stairs are on one of my favourite walking tracks.

Jimmy and Kat were apparently here. The Boyfriend ruined this moment for me by saying that they probably had sex on that exact spot. So, Jimmy and Kat, if you're out there did you? Now I want to know!

I hope you all had amazing weekends, and aren't too bummed about getting back to the grind tomorrow (as in, I hope you're way less bummed than I am).

Until next time, xo.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Spotlight on Kiyomizu-Dera

Above, Kiyomizu-dera's stage on the main building undergoing renovation in August 2004.

Spotlight on Kiyomizu-Dera

Text and Photos by Armand Vaquer

In Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993), Godzilla passes Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto while seaching for Baby Godzilla.

According to Wikipedia:

Kiyomizu-dera (清水寺?), officially Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera (音羽山清水寺) is an independent Buddhist temple in eastern Kyoto. The temple is part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) UNESCO World Heritage site.

Kiyomizu-dera was founded in the early Heian period. The temple dates back to 798, and its present buildings were constructed in 1633.

I visited Kiyomizu-dera in August 2004 with G-TOUR and found it to be one of my highlights of the trip. Although the walk to the temple was a tad strenuous (it is on a steep hill), the beauty of the temple and its surroundings were well worth the hike.

Above, Kyoto as seen from the stage of Kiyomizu-dera's main building. Note Kyoto Tower, which was blasted by Godzilla in "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II."

The main building of the temple with its stage was shown in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II with Godzilla in the background. At the time of our visit, it was undergoing renovation. It was built over Otowa waterfall. Kiyomizu means clear water, or pure water.

Kiyomizu also has a pagoda (left) and down the hill from the temple are numerous shops that would satisfy the most rabid shopper.

The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan provides directions on how to get to Kiyomizu-dera.

For more on Kiyomizu-dera, go here.