Saturday, April 23, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

Easter really snuck up on me this year, what with not being religious myself, and having no small children in my house to harass me for chocolate. I am heartily enjoying my five-day weekend though. Thus far, I have spent said weekend cleaning, lounging, and reading a box of old letters from some of my friends in our teenage years that I found last time I visited my parents. Nothing in particular, but it does feel particularly glorious, especially after the long work hours lately. If only someone would start paying me to stay home & surf the internet - then my life would truly be complete (and this list of links would probably be longer).

I really want to make some of these DIY jewellery display frames for our house in Wagga.

A Ten-Year-Old's Rant To "Boys Around The World"
totally made my day.

First World Problems really puts things in perspective. My first world problem is being crabby because I'm trying to quit caffeine.

I loved I Don't Want Children! Am I A Freak!? Why Won't Everyone Leave Me ALONE! even though I do eventually want children.

To the one that holds her heart, from the one who lost her
. This may have made me tear up a little.

I Now Support Full Marriage Equality
is a post from a man who once actively campaigned against same-sex marriage, and now believes he was wrong. Wow.

This DIY Book Clutch is quite possibly the best idea I have ever seen in my life.

True Story: I Searched For God And Found Myself Instead - amazing, amazing interview.

I am incredibly in love with this red Balmain jacket.

Ballerina Project is full of so many beautiful images of talented dancers.

A completely logical explanation of why the song Fame by Irene Cara is obviously about Lord Voldemort.

Eeep, that's all I have today! Now I better scurry away because The Boyfriend and I are getting up before dawn tomorrow morning to make it to a breakfast with his family in Maryborough. But never fear - for those of you who wanted pictures of the polka-dot romper/jumpsuit, you'll get them tomorrow. I wore it to lounge around the house today, and it is sublime. Sublime I tell you! Ok, yeah, definitely sleep time now.

Until next time, xo.

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