Friday, April 1, 2011

Morrissey + Uffie

I went through a major Morrissey phase during my junior year of high school. Or senior year. Or something. Can't quite remember, and it's really not important. Anywho, "The Last of the Famous International Playboys" was one of my favorite songs of dude's. But then I started listening exclusively to Dutch house, and I completely forgot about the song. Thank goodness The Notorious Party Boy Soundtrack popped into my life and reminded me just what a banger this song is.


And speaking of old songs. Uffie's "The Party." Or Justice's "The Party." Or whatever this version is called. And to whomever it belongs. Four years later and I still have no idea where I can cop a quality version of this track. I mean, this thing popped up on YouTube back when I was still harboring the most massive Uffie crush this side of Feadz and André. But seriously. Still need. Where you at?

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