Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hercules and Love Affair + In Flagranti + Dash Speaks + Tubetops + Bodega Girls

Lots of musics from a couple of friends today. First up comes some tune action from my pals Tubetops. Various versions of Tubetops (see: Joe Booty) have accomplished various things (see: opening for Maino, the "Relax" music video), but this here lineup just might be the best yet. The lads just wrapped up a remix of Bodega Girls' "School Night." Rinse, rinse:

02 School Night REMIX mp3 by TUBETOPS

And then there's my boy Dash Speaks. You know, the one I DJ at The Blind Barber with on the first Wednesday of everything month? Yea, him. Anyways, he just released his new project The Eastern Bloc Series. You may or may not hear a couple of these tracks tomorrow night at Almost Famous. Do come.

Dash Speaks - The Eastern Bloc Series

And lastly, be sure to check out In Flagranti's remix of Hercules and Love Affair's "Painted Eyes." Reminds me a lot of the "Hoppy Bunny" episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Because there's a flute in it and I have a piss poor attention span, that is.

Painted Eyes (In Flagranti Version) by moshi moshi music

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