Monday, April 11, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

I'm running a little behind on posting again, thanks to an impromptu weekend trip to Hervey Bay to visit my lovely parents before they abandon me to go and live in the sticks. Just kidding Mum & Dad, I know you wouldn't abandon me. Right? Anyway, it was an incredibly relaxing trip because I didn't take my laptop, or tell anyone except my family that I was coming. No obsessive face-booking, or rushing around to "catch up" with everyone - just lots of family time, and hanging out taking photographs on the beach. Flippin' rad. I've only just caught up with all the blogging adventures that I missed over the weekend, so it's time for you to have some links!

Vintage dress shop located on a double decker bus? Where do I sign up?

Can't Wear That
. No wait, you totally can.

Oh my gosh, completely awesome round-up of rainbow shoes. Coveting all of these right now.

You should print out this card, and stick it on your mirror so it stares you in the face every day.

Survey: Are You Satisfied? tackles how to know if you've had a good day.

In Which We Admit We're Ambitious is a great read for all the ambitious ladies out there - and I know there's plenty of you.

is an epic post about men's style, and just showing up & performing.

National Geographic makes the balloon house from Up into a reality.

The 10 Jerkiest Things Obi-Wan Kenobi Ever Did
. Because Death Star PR cares, and thinks you deserve to know these things.

Pirate Ship Bedroom. Enough said really.

Elycia = newest style crush. Totally in love with this lady right now.

This 3 Men's Shirts to Convertible Skirt DIY is pretty dang legendary.

Awesome Things #270: Dogs With Jobs.
You've got to admit, that is pretty freakin' awesome.

How did your weekend go? I can only hope it was as relaxing as mine (although, everyone seems to be sick at the moment, so that's probably not the case). Do you have any interesting links for me to check out?

Until next time, xo.

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