Sunday, January 30, 2011

What I Wore Today

Hey lovelies,

The best thing about being on leave is actually getting to wear my "outside of work" clothes everyday. I am freakishly obsessed with getting dressed in the morning, and am possibly a big wierdo. Luckily for me, I plan to distract you from this fact with some outfit photos.

Outfit Rundown:

Mens Dress Shirt: Thrifted
Tie: Jay Jays, $5
Pants: Kmart, $20
Boots: Kmart (Grosby), $30

Seriously, these boots are like my children (because I love them that much, not because I like to wear children on my feet). I wore them pretty much everyday in Winter, and I still try to wear them as much as possible in Summer. The Kmart quality is starting to show though - on both boots the zippers are starting to tear away from the boots at about ankle height, and the upper is starting to crack. Anyone out there in blog land able to recommend somewhere to get good quality replacements? I will give you cookies, and pictures of me in new boots in return. It's a good deal, really. WILL SWAP BOOT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COOKIES. Think about it.

Until next time, xo.

Monday Moodboard

Hello lovelies,

Today is the first day of my leave! Hurray! I have so much to do that it's not funny. Luckily, I always have time to look at beautiful images. As usual, click for sources.

Until next time, xo.


Written By: Ken Hulsey

Hey all you Monster Maniacs! I just got turned on to a cool event that is going to take place here locally in the Inland Empire ...... The 1st Annual Redlands Zombie Walk.

As you probably already guessed it is a bunch of people getting together to dress up like zombies and wander through the streets of Redlands. Kinda like a marathon for the undead ....... and how cool is that?

Here is the info: CALLING ALL ZOMBIES!! Come lurch with us on Feb 12, 2011 at The first Annual Redlands Zombie Walk. Lets make Redlands Zombie Walk the best and the biggest in San Bernardino!

Best of the Interwebz

Hello lovelies,

Just a quick & late one tonight, since I've been to Hervey Bay and back this weekend to celebrate my little brother's 18th birthday. I couldn't force him to go out and have tequila shots, but we did force him to get all our drinks from the bar for the whole night. I am annoyed because he didn't get ID'd once, and I do all the frelling time! Sigh. Links anyone?

Cutest scarf-tying tutorial ever! From the beautiful Elsie, of A Beautiful Mess.

Why I Wear Fox Stoles, and plastic rain hoods
is a cute look at wearing what you want, from Vintage Vixen.

Pets on Furniture
. Because pets love their furniture, and we love them loving our furniture.

Tuque to Turban
- a quick, easy, and super-cute tutorial from Syl and Sam of Lipgloss & Black.

Staying Single: A Lesson In Mixing Prints
is pretty much all you need to explain why I love The Man Repeller.

I think How To Survive "Blue Monday" , by the lovely Maddie of Sprinkle Diary can be applied to any day of the week, month or year.

Why I Believe in Good Shoes (A Style Rebellion)
is a pretty great read from Megan of Charade.

Online Minimalism is a little food for thought about the way we use the internet, from Luinae of Slam.

Kendi Lea of Kendi Everyday has written a great series on creating a working closest, starting with purging.

I think this short guide to Safety in Self-Photography was a kick-ass thing to write, from JoAnn of Sidewalk Chic.

For those in the Brisbane area The Handmade Expo is organising donations of unwanted crafty items for DIYer's who lost everything in the Queensland floods. Check it out!

The Baby-sitters Club: Where are they now

Cute tutorial for making ever cuter lace hearts
, from Michele Made Me.

A Scale That Is Actually Useful
. This is so freakin' rad I just might print it out & stick it on my mirror.

If you're chronically unorganised (like me), you could probably use these templates for making a custom day planner.

This inspirational guest post
on Violet Bella, by Katelyn is amazing. Go read it.


Until next time, xo.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What I Wore Today (Also, Cut My Hairs)

Hello there lovelies,

So I cut my hair today. It is now super short & junk. See the evidence here:

And here:
Also, in a surprising move, I decided to wear clothes. Maybe not so surprising, since I woke up feeling incredibly sick, and had to go to a Doctor's appointment. And you know, there are usually kids in those waiting rooms, so clothes are a good idea. Luckily, the Doctor assures me that I do not have some freaky disease from being in contact with the flood waters at work. All I have is a pretty bad cold. Rock on.

Outfit Rundown:

Striped Singlet: Fashion Fair, $6.95
Shredded Singlet: Trade Secret (Sass), $16.95
Jeans: Jay Jays, $16
Sandals: Trade Secret, $14.95
Watch: Cotton On, $14.95

So, I'm going to go to bed now. I am super-excited about this, as I bought new pillows today. NO MORE SLEEPING ON FLAT PIECES OF MATERIAL FOR ME. OK, getting creepy. Time for some sleep.

Until next time, xo.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thought For The Day (Amanda Palmer Style)

in my mind
in a future five years from now
i’m 120 pounds
and i never get hungover
because i will be the picture of discipline
never minding what state i’m in
and i will be someone i admire
and it’s funny how i imagined that i would be that person now
but it does not seem to have happened
maybe i’ve just forgotten how to see
that i’m not exactly the person that i thought i’d be

and in my mind
in the faraway here and now
i’ve become in control somehow
and i never lose my wallet
because i will be the picture of discipline
never fucking up anything
and i’ll be a good defensive driver
and it’s funny how i imagined that i would be that person now
but it does not seem to have happened
maybe i’ve just forgotten how to see
that i’ll never be the person that i thought i’d be

and in my mind
when i’m old, i am beautiful
planting tulips and vegetables
which i will mindfully watch over
not like me, now
i’m so busy with everything
that i don’t look at anything
but i’m sure i’ll look when i am older
and it’s funny how i imagine that i could be that person now
but that’s not what i want, if that’s what i wanted then i’d be giving up somehow
how strange to see that i don’t want to be the person that i want to be

and in my mind
i imagine so many things
things that aren’t really happening
and when they put me in the ground, i’ll start pounding the lid
saying “i haven’t finished yet –
i still have a tattoo to get
that says ‘i’m living in the moment’.”
and it’s funny how i imagined that i could win this winless fight
but maybe it isn’t all that funny that i’ve been fighting all my life
but maybe i have to think it’s funny if i wanna live before i die
and maybe it’s funniest of all to think i’ll die before i actually see
that i am exactly the person that i want to be

fuck yes
i am exactly the person that i want to be

Until next time, xo.

The Only Coat In The World

Dear Magical Handing-out-designer-coats Fairy,

Please leave this amazing coat under my pillow. I will promise not to say "I Don't Believe in Fairies" and kill you. Or you know, I at least promise to clap enough to bring you back to life. Just bring me the coat, ok?

Your totally-not-homicidal-friend Stacey.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Monday Moodboard

Hello there lovelies,

I'm helping clean up my flood-damaged workplace today. Who would have ever thought I'd be excited to get covered in mud? At least these will take my mind off things. As usual, click the pictures to be linked to their source.

Until next time, xo.

New DOCTOR WHO Online Fan Group Launches

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Lisa Dullard

SciFi superfan Lisa Dullard has just created "All Of Time And Space; A Doctor Who Fan Group" for both the casual and the die hard fan of the long running UK television series.

In her words:

A friend of mine recently started a SciFi/Fantasy/Horror forum over at - and that forum hosts my DW group as well. You're welcome to join us! We're still new, so we could use all the members we can get. http://

Doctor Who fan group, for both Classic Who and New Who.  The rather obvious purpose of this group is to share our love for the Doctor, in all of his incarnations.  Discussion of the various branches of the world of Doctor Who(Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, books, comics, music etc.) are also encouraged.

What I Wore Today

Hello there lovelies,

It's been a quiet, but enjoyable weekend on this end of the blogosphere. Saturday I did housework, and accompanied The Boyfriend's sister to the shops to buy an emergency laptop charger. Today The Boyfriend and I ventured out of our hermit shack and visited some of our best friends. Videogames, slutty Sims, an introduction to Doctor Who, and a football were involved. Good times were had by all. Also on the plus side, I wore clothes!

Saturday Outfit Rundown:

Cropped "Say Panda" tee: Trade Secret (Envious), $9.95
Shredded Singlet: Trade Secret (Sass), $16.95
Pants: Trade Secret (Otto Mode), $10
Vans: Present from Mummy Dearest
Watch: Cotton On, $14.95
Bracelet: Made by The Boyfriend
Bag: Trade Secret (Urban Originals), $15

I realised the other day that I never have bags in my outfit posts for some reason. Probably because I'm not a huge "bag" person. Anyway, I knew I needed to include this one. I like to call it The Frankenbag. I love the haphazard, stitched-togetherness of it. Plus, it is the perfect size for my wallet, keys, phone and a book, but not big enough that every security guard in the shops bowls you over trying to check your bag every two minutes. I bought it to replace my old handbag, which finally died after two years of faithful service.

Sunday Outfit Rundown:

Jumpsuit: Trade Secret (Sunny Girl), $29.95
Necklace: Made by me
Bracelets: Made by The Boyfriend
Sandals: Trade Secret, $14.95

No joke, I have been obsessed with finding a black jumpsuit with long legs for about a year. Last Summer all the ones I could find had harem-pant legs, which I did not want. I found this at work last week - the last one left, in my size. I do not regret spending that $29.95 at all. This jumpsuit is insanely comfortable, and makes everything more awesome (even if wearing does mean that you pretty much need to get naked in order to pee). Love it so much.

Well, how has your weekend been? Did you do anything special? More importantly, did you wear anything special?

Until next time, xo.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Why hello there!

Fancy meeting you here on my little blog. Do you come here often beautiful? Anyway. This week has been all over the place, as I've been filling in at another Trade Secret store after my usual haunt was so damaged by the floods. Next week I get to fill in at yet another store, which once you take peak-hour traffic into account, means that it will take me about an hour to get to work. Hurray. By which I mean kill me now. Oh well, after that I have two weeks of leave! Two whole weeks! And links!

Sick of your to-do list? Why not try a "Got Done" list instead, like Michelle of Wicked Whimsy?

Red Carpet Fashion: Critiquing, Snarking, Mocking and worse
is an interesting look at criticism of celebrities on the red carpet, from the wonderful ladies at Average Fantastic.

Coincidently, The Vogue Diaries is my new favourite place to prowl for celebrity outfit photos. Great outfit photos, no bitchy commentary? Yes please.

Another brilliant tutorial from Trisha of Mary Sew: How to Turn a Kitbag Into A Purse.

Speaking of brilliant tutorials, here is another one from Max California, for a Hooded Keyhole Tee.

Kate of Eat The Damn Cake explains exactly why Nerd Girls Rule.

Ten Ways To Get Fit on a Tiny Budget
might be helpful for those of us who have made NY's resolutions to get fit and healthy in 2011.

Awesome Things #325: Jumping through the sprinkler in your bathing suit. So. Freakin'. Awesome. Takes me back to the days before water restrictions in QLD.

Tattoo love: The four ladies behind Red Velvet show off their vintage-style Red Velvet tattoos. I love each and every one of them.

To My Husband
is about as adorable as To My Wife. Cuteness abounds.

In College, Learning About Money
is a piece from the New York Times that really hits home for me. I am 22, and know absolutely nothing about finance.

Why the Body-Bind is my Nightmare
is a cute post about body image, peppered with Harry Potter references, written by the young lady who plays Luna Lovegood in the film adaptation of Harry Potter.

Some inspiration for those struggling to keep their New Year's Resolutions: Just Smile, from Aury of An Ordinary Girl's World.

And, to top it all off Riot Girl: Still relevant 20 years on is a great read, by Jessica Hopper for The Guardian.

Now to torture you with another of my favourite Glee clips: You Can't Touch This. If nothing else, watch it for the costumes (And ignore the 15 seconds of ad).

How was your week? I hope it was completely amazing.

Until next time, xo.

Eye Candy

Hello there lovelies,

It's good old Friday, and we've come to the end of another excruciatingly painful week. Or it that last part just me? All I know is that one of the best things to end a week with is pictures of pretty clothes. Or is that part also just me? Probably. Nonetheless, I assault your eyes with the Proenza Schouler Pre-Fall 2011 collection. PREPARE FOR EPIC PATTERN MIXING.

There were probably dresses involved in this collection as well, but I'm much more partial to this "I raided my extremely eccentric boyfriend/gay man friend's wardrobe, and miraculously came out looking this damn good" variation of the look. I'm still scared of mixing patterns in my own day-to-day wear, for fear of looking ridiculous. But this collection says there is hope for all us crazy pattern-loving cat ladies yet!

Until next time, xo.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Giveaways Galore

Hello there lovelies,

What better way to end a rather dull Thursday (I had to do markdowns. Of ten pages of costume jewellery) - give aways! As it so happens, two of my favourite bloggers are running kick-ass give aways this week. Let me introduce them, and their wonderfulness to you.

Firstly, meet the lovely Sarah, from Misfits Vintage. Misfits Vintage is run by Sarah and Chris, "siblings with a shared interest in vintage style, fashion, music, iced coffee and science" (All of which, I might add, are interests that I whole-heartedly support).

The prize in this give away is a copy of the book Vintage Fashion, by Emma Baxter-Wright, Karen Clarkson, Sarah Kennedy, and Kate Mulvey with a forward by Zandra Rhodes. For details on how to enter, just click right here. Of course, you should totally do that anyway, just to see Sarah's amazing outfits and read this amusing & lovely blog. Do it. Do it now!

Next, meet Psycho Sue of Sew Misunderstood: Fatshion for Wayward Girls. Psycho Sue is "a proud freak; a fatty, an artist, a musician, a dreamer, a non conformist", and a stylin' DIY crazy fatshionista, with a soft spot for psychobilly. She is uber-rad, to say the least.

The prize in this give away is a 1950's diner-drive in clutch purse, handmade by Psycho Sue herself. Check out this baby:

And it has cute red lining, plus a button closure. This purse really is too adorable.

For more info on how to enter this give away, click right here. While you're there, check out Psycho Sue's awesome handmade outfits, horror movie inspired crafting, and general awesomeness.

Until next time, xo.

P.S. No one gave me any kind payment to sing the praises of these lovely ladies. I do that purely because of their inherent level of awesome.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Dose of Style - Golden Globes, 2011

Hello there lovelies,

So apparently there has been a lot of fuss over some crazy event known as the Golden Globes in the last few days. All I know about this is that heaps of ladies wore pretty dresses, and Jane Lynch won the Golden Globe in The Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries, or Television Film Category for her performance in Glee. As you all probably already know, the dresses took up considerably more of my short attention span. But really, anyone can do their hair nice and put on a pretty frock. I like the ladies who do things a little differently. Here are my three favourite Golden Globe dresses, in reverse order.

3. Anne Hathaway in Armani Prive Fall 2010.

I was particularly entranced by how much the dress looks like scale maille from afar. I am not usually a big fan of gold, but I love this. The dress is unusual and a little bit trendy, but still manages that classy red-carpet look.

Lo and behold, this dress is a mullet! You know, business in the front, party out the back. You party on Anne Hathaway (and if you get drunk enough to dance naked on tables, know that I will be there waiting to steal your dress).

2. Olivia Wilde in Marchesa Spring/Summer 2011

This dress reminds me so much of the night sky, away from the city. The whole ensemble is a great example of taking a classic silhouette, adding a badass attitude & a little bit of badass style and making it into something quite unique. The blunt hairstyle, and absence of accessories really add something to the mix. Here's the kicker:

Killer shoes! (LOL, SEE WHUT I DID THERE. KICKER, SHOES??!) Also, this may be the cutest ever picture of Olivia Wilde in existence. But now, let's see more of those shoes.


1. Helena Bonham-Carter in Vivienne Westwood.

I can tell you right now that if this lady actually knew who I was, then I would marry her. We could dress each other up in weird concoctions, and backcomb our hair to our hearts' content. This dress is the coolest thing I have ever seen. The colours, the tulle, the brocade = SWOON.

Aww, isn't she beautiful. So much effort must have gone into this hair, and the great fascinator floating around in there. Helena really is the embodiment of a Vivienne Westwood design. It is the perfect label for her.

And, the cherry on top: the cute mismatched shoes. These have been getting a fair bit of attention on the blogosphere - some love them, some hate them. I love them TIMES A MILLION. Just so you know.

Who wore your favourite Golden Globes outfit? Do you prefer the style trailblazers, or those who stick to safer options?

Until next time, xo.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Moodboard

Hello there lovelies,

Hope this brightens up your Monday as much as mine. As usual, click on the images to go where I found them.

Until next time, xo.