Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hey, It's Ok!

Photo by luana183
Hello there lovelies,

I've seen this type of article popping up in all my favourite fashion magazines late, so I thought I'd put my own spin on it. So, remember, it is completely ok for you:

To check your reflection in windows, toasters and various other shiny surfaces; to like pornography just as much as a man; to sulk like a five-year-old when you fall over and skin your knee (or ass, in my case); to laugh until your sides hurt at cheesy old movies; to have spent all your money mentally before you've actually been paid; to make sure you do your "sexy exercise" (e.g. belly dancing) when your partner is home so they can enjoy it too; to spend far too much time reading books; to be in your twenties and wear t-shirts with messages in rainbow writing; to have no religious beliefs; to spend less than $100 (or even $50) on a whole outfit; to have a crazy crush on a same-sex celebrity; to love yourself unequivocally; to be in a good mood even when you've only got $1.60 left after paying your rent; to have sex with the lights on; to snort a little whenever you laugh; to be immensely cheered up by heart-shaped post-it notes; and, to be a little annoyed when a customer is overly rude to you at work.

Really, it's ok!

Until next time, xo.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Art of the Female Friendship

Hello there lovelies,

Now before I start, this is most certainly not a how-to piece. If anything, I was hoping there was someone out there who might be able to enlighten me - how exactly do you perfect the art of female friendships? I realised recently that most of my female friends have known me since primary school. In fact, I'm only still friendly with a few girls from my high school days. And, since finishing high school (almost four years ago), I've only made very few female friends, and a seemingly huge pile of female enemies. I've been asking around, and it seems like I'm not the only one encountering this problem. Despite the movies and television shows proclaiming the opposite, it appears that lots of women in their 20's are having trouble befriending each other. I can't help but wonder what the cause of this phenomenon is. I'm guessing that the root of the problem is not that a large percentage of young women are all completely socially inept - so what is the problem? Why do we dislike other women so much quicker than we befriend them? Why do we spend so much time hating on other women, instead of enjoying Sex and the City-style brunches together?

I've probably spent far too much time bemoaning my lack of ability to make female friends to pretty much anyone who'll listen for five minutes, and a fair few of them have given me the same answer when I ask what the problem might be - "They're probably intimidated by you." Now this I really didn't understand until my Dad laid it all out for me.

" I don't get it, why would people be intimidated by me?" I said to him.

"Well," He replied, "You're smart, funny, beautiful and you've got a whole lot going for you. You might not see it that way, but they do."

And that really got me thinking. Is this the key thing that affects that way young women relate to one another? Do we all unknowingly intimidate each other this way? The more I think about it, the more the whole thing makes sense. As individuals, we are very good at seeing the amazing things that other people have, but not so hot at seeing all the wonderful things we have to offer others. I have to admit that other women do scare me a little bit - women who aren't me always seem so cool, confident and put-together, whereas I feel it's blindingly obvious that I'm the shy tomboy who forgot all about that coffee stain when I picked what I'm wearing. I suppose other women do intimidate me a little bit, I just never thought that I could have the same effect on them. But when it comes down to it, women spend so much time feeling like they're all part of a great big competition (to win jobs, beauty, men etc.) that it's no wonder we're all looking at each other like potential enemies rather than potential friends. It's occurred to me many times before that the people most critical of women are other women. I suppose it's little wonder that we're all a little scared of each other. I don't really know how to address this problem myself, but I'm going to try my hardest not to be scared of interacting with other women - no matter how much I'm convinced they're just going to laugh at me, and make fun of my hair. And I'm also going to try my hardest to not close myself off, and discourage other women from approaching me.

In the meantime, if anyone wants to be my friend, there are cupcakes in it for you. Lots of 'em!

Until next time, xo.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lada Gaga + DJ Elay

Whether or not you like her self-dramatized image, Lady Gaga has an album that sounds like a best of compilation of an artist with at least a decade in the industry. The track Paparazzi is straight up creepy but, like most of her songs, the melody quickly entrenches itself in your head. This remix makes it a bit more danceable (useful). The Fame Kills tour (Gaga + Kanye) will bring screaming 12-year white old girls together with millions of hipsters, who are likely to find that they have a great deal in common with one another.

Horrifying Trends That I Love #3

Hello lovelies,

Here I am with yet another shocking style confession - I love heart-shaped sunglasses.

And what a confusing love this is! I don't know what it is about them, and I am actually yet to purchase a pair. Personally, I think this confession could seriously damage my "street cred". I know that it may be supreme madness for anyone over the age of three to wear these things, and yet I'm itching to get my hands on a pair. I have a sneaking suspicion that this obsession may be due to my seemingly innate love of anything that makes me look stranger than I already do - which, I must add would explain my recent desire for a pair of these sunglasses:

But then, I also think that a pair of strangely-shaped sunglasses (whether hearts, apples, or the various other novelty designs available are your thing) can add interest, and an element of fun to otherwise boring outfits. Besides it would take a fair bit of confidence to whack a pair of these babies onto your face don't you reckon? What's your take? Are heart-shaped sunglasses a little too Lolita for you, or a quirky addition to your wardrobe? Either way I'll be over here in my corner loving the face-love.

Until next time, xo.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thought For The Day

Hello there lovelies,

I was having the most horrible day today - work was so insanely busy that there was no way I could get all my jobs done, I'd hardly had any sleep, I had no money for coffee, and I knew I had to come home and finish (start) an assignment that is due tomorrow. But then I got this email:

When you don't know what to do next, Stacey, sometimes it's because you've already done more than you give yourself credit for. Hey, you don't want to make that mistake again, huh?

Every single day of your life, Stacey, you've moved mountains. And somehow I don't see this ever changing.

You rock - The Universe

It reminded me that things weren't really that bad - after all, I have a job, a bed to sleep in, enough money to pay my rent, and access to a decent education. It also reminded me to step back, take a breath and smile.

Photo by The Boyfriend

If you want to get inspiring notes from The Universe to make you smile whenever you're having a bad day (or just feel plain awesome when you're having a great day), then head over to TUT's Adventurer's Club, and sign up. It is completely free, and although Mike Dooley who runs the place has written lots of books, and various other things, you're not obligated to buy anything. Pretty sweet deal I think. Anything that makes you smile is completely worth it.

Until next time, xo.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chip Tha Ripper

Ten days later... Cudi's album hits number four on billboard. Chip Tha Ripper is on several tracks and keeps it going where Cudi's monotone flow tends to drag. Tracks like T.G.I.F, which originally appeared on A KiD named CuDi continue to stand out as some of the best tracks on the album. Chip Tha Ripper's own mixtape has been 'coming soon' for a couple months ... if its anything like Cudi's he can probably expect an offer from Universal/Motown before Christmas. In the meantime heres a siiick freestyle from last year...

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Dose of Style - Leighton Meester

Hello there beautiful readers,

I know the blog entries have been a little light on for the last few weeks, and for that I apologise. I've been working alot and all my university assessment is due in the next few weeks- throw in a severe lack of sleep, The Boyfriend working crazy shifts, and us only having one car to get us both to our completely differently timed work shifts, and you have a recipe for a lack of motivation. I promise I'll be back up to speed in no time (just as soon as I've finished writing essays about psychological research, and lab reports about whether intergroup apologies facilitate forgiveness).

Now, without further ado, onto the style! I'm doing something a little different this week, and focusing on one person. I can't help it, she always looks far too good for me to ignore it. I'm talking about Leighton Meester, a.k.a Blair Warldorf from Gossip Girl - the girl who looks just as fashionable on and off the program.

I love this take on the women's suit deal. Leighton looks comfortable and awesome, which is always a great combination.

As much as I would probably hate this dress on anyone else, I feel that Leighton really rocks this crazy style.

I think I'm going to mug Leighton and steal this outfit. The cool dress, the messy-yet-stylish hairdo, and the bright red shoes all added together make one perfect whole.

Now this is my absolute favourite of Leighton's outfits. The black dress with the cut-outs makes me drool. I want this dress so badly, and despite all the critisism this outfit seemed to get, I think it's amazing.

Until next time, xo.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Steam Train Saturday!

Hello there lovelies!

I've just gotten back from my long steam train journey to Toowoomba for the Carnival of Flowers - seriously, we left at just after 7AM this morning, and got home around 7:30PM, long day. But it was well worth it! The heritage steam train was gorgeous, and awesome fun, and the gardens in Toowoomba were amazing. Those gardens were precisely what I needed to pick up my mood from the last few days, and the steam train ride had me smiling the whole way. Anyway, I'm incredibly tired, so I'm mostly going to let my photographs do the talking today.

Our train!

The Boyfriend and I in our finery.

Outfit Rundown:

Headscarf: Grab Accessories, $5?
Dress: Target, $28.88
Tights: The front of some magazine, free
"Help Me Paris" Necklace: Emily The Strange keyring + The Boyfriend
Bracelets: Made by The Boyfriend

A few shots from some of the prize-winning gardens.

Until next time, xo.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Things I love Thursday!

  • Steam Train Saturday! - The Boyfriend surprised me (well, I've known for awhile because he couldn't keep it a secret) by buying us tickets for a day trip on a heritage steam train to the Carnival of Flowers in Toowoomba. We go this Saturday, and I'm so excited! I even bought a dress to wear, and I'll be rocking a crazy 50's-ish housewife feel. The Boyfriend has a nice shirt and tie to wear, so basically we're going to have an awesome day and look frigging awesome doing it.

  • Stargate: SG1 - Oh, I'm such a science-fiction nerd. Over the last almost three years The Boyfriend and I have been working our way through the seasons, and are currently up to the 9th season. I'm so sad that there is only one more season after this! Not fair! I love SG1 so much, and it's so good whenever we can afford to pick up a new season. I guess it's just onto Stargate: Atlantis after we finish SG1!

Photo by 1maliniak1

  • Talking with various other people from work, and finding out they wish I was working full time - it feels very good to be needed/wanted around the place.

  • Francesca Lia Block - I know lots of people have been raving about her for aeons, but I just discovered this amazing author recently. I borrowed three of her books from my public library, read them all in one day and then put another four on hold. My favourite so far has been Wasteland - the tragic tale of a love between siblings that is so deep that it transcends all boundaries. I haven't read a book that moved me so deeply in a long, long time. And, it is like that with all of her work for me. I'm so happy I finally decided to read her books.

  • Have I mentioned Stargate: SG1 yet? Man, oh man, I love this show. I'm watching it right now.

Photo by sunsinger

Other happiness gems: pictures of crazy yoga poses performed in beautiful surroundings; Pleasure State lingerie; The Boyfriend bringing home a bacon and egg muffin for me after his night shifts; silly statement t-shirts; 2 for $30 singlets from Jay Jays in assorted colours of the rainbow; feeling comfortable wearing things that aren't black; buying cute baby books for a workmate who is going on maternity leave; being invited on girls nights; accidentally singing Taylor Swift songs in front of the customers at the fitting rooms; yoga DVD's endorsed by Alan Rickman; Oh, and did I mention Stargate: SG1?

Until next time, xo.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bless Beats + Wiley + Charlie Brown

"Wearing My Rolex" was not a fluke. Again Bless Beats and Wiley have created a unique sound that doesn't fade even after a four hour car ride with a seven song play list. "The Rain" is the first release from Bless Beats' upcoming album, which could well be a bridge between grime and top 40 appeal. Whatever it turns to out to be I'll buy it, even if it isn't grossly overblogged during the week of its release. Despite the barrage of shitty songs by The Ting Tings, Bless Beats is evidence that good things can still come from the UK.

What I Wore Today, Volume 16

Hello there lovelies,

I'm here again with another double helping of things I've worn today (and well, yesterday). This first one was pretty much my uniform for the weekend, with a few little changes. I mainly sat at home/slept, as The Boyfriend's crazy shifts have really knocked us around sleepwise, and I have bucketloads of University work to catch up on. So not cool.

Outfit Rundown
Shiny button-up shirt: thrifted from Lifeline Warehouse (Westco brand), $2
Singlet: thrifted from Lifeline Warehouse, $2
Jeans: Kmart, $30
Boots: Target, $39.99
Bracelets: By The Boyfriend

Ok, so I haven't really worn this outfit for very long. I was wearing something different all day, but then I got home from shopping with The Boyfriend and desperately wanted to show off my bargain shopping for the day. Plus, I was super-excited that the dachshund necklace & bracelet I had ordered from Mariella Designs showed up today. Those of you based in Australia should check her out, because this girl makes/sells some really, really cute stuff - handmade jewellry, felties, hair accessories and various other bits and pieces, along with vintage clothing and designer items. Plus, she is lovely to deal with! I'm so happy with my little pieces. Notice how I'm ever-so-subtly positioning my hand to show off the bracelet in my pictures? Disclaimer: I am certainly not being paid to advertise these things, I'm just a buyer like any other who is extremely satisfied with my purchase.

Outfit Rundown
T-shirt: Jay Jays, $5
Jeans: Jay Jays, $5
Necklace & Bracelet: Mariella Designs, $20

What are you wearing today?

Until next time, xo.

How To: Be An A+ Bargain Shopper

Hello lovelies,

I spent the entirety of this Friday trawling through second-hand stores and strange little stores full of curiousities in the backstreets of town. I finally emerged victorious, with a patterned Miss Sixty t-shirt, a black Sportsgirl skirt, and a red cord skirt for less than $15. Not bad for a days work, huh? I've had a few people comment that they're impressed with how I manage to get my clothes so cheaply, so I thought I'd fill you all in on my bargain secrets. I've been doing this since I can remember - I have very fond primary school memories of my Nan taking me second-hand shopping on my school holidays. At the beginning of the day, she'd give me $10, and I'd see how far I could make it stretch. When I went through my "brand name" phase at the beginning of high school, my family couldn't afford to buy the stuff new, so I got knock-offs from Target or Kmart, or my Nan scooped up bargain brand-name pieces for me from second-hand stores. Shopping on the cheap is a legacy in my family. Now my clothes all come from four main sources - eBay, thrift stores (or op shops), chain stores and lower-class department stores.

Before we start there's one thing you have to know - bargain shopping requires paitience, and lots of it. If you're not prepared to sort through lots of items you hate, you're never going to find the one item in the pile that is perfect for you. If you're not prepared to spend lots of your time searching through piles of clothes, trying things on and inspecting clothes, then bargain shopping is never going to be your forte. Second-hand shops don't offer any guarantees, or refunds and most shops won't refund or exchange their sale items, unless they turn out to be faulty (and weren't on sale because of said fault). These things are important to know, because no matter how cheaply you acquire an item, it's not a bargain if you get it home and find out it doesn't fit, or looks horrible on your body type. Equally, an item is not a bargain if you get it home and find a huge tear in the side - plus, your sewing skills are non-existant. Damaged items are a great bargain if you can repair them, but not so much if you've never picked up a sewing needle in your life.

Thrift-store shopping (otherwise known as second-hand, or op shopping):

Second-hand shopping is one of my favourite ways to snap up bargains. However, just because thrifting is suddenly in vogue, don't hold any illusions about how glamorous it is. Earlier, when I mentioned the three great items I found in one day, what I didn't mention was that I visited six thrift stores in that day, and spent at least half an hour to an hour in each one. I sorted through endless racks, and discount piles. I only bought things from two of the stores. It is back-breaking work - and, it is also totally worth it. I once found a pair of Italian designer boots with a price tag for $110 still attached, which I bought for $10. With a few simple tips, you too can strike gold in second-hand stores.

Firstly, take your time. Thrift stores end up with lots of junk, and you really have to take the time to sort through it all to find the good stuff. Look out for good quality fabric, unremoved price tags, and colours that aren't faded. When you do find an item you like, check it for stains, tears and stretched, threadbare patches. Then, go and try it on. Don't skip this step, and don't rely on sizing! Older items may have different cuts and follow different sizing guidelines than new ones - a size 10 now does not equal a size 10 from ten years ago. These things are all very important, as I've never seen a second-hand store that offers exchange or refund on any of their items. Remember, it's not a bargain if it ends up sitting at the bottom of your wardrobe because you can't wear it! Doing these things is all you need to ensure thrift store success - and most of the time you don't just score bargains, you also end up with unique items that will turn other people green with envy.

Here's a fun little video about thrift-store shopping for your enjoyment. Mostly the tips are similar to what I've mentioned, but even I found it to be a good watch. Enjoy:

eBay is a treasure trove of bargain finds - my favourite eBay buys are Emily The Strange items that I get for a small percentage of their retail price. Again, take your time. Searching for particular brand names can turn up some good things. But you have to watch out for people who sell brand name items for cheaper than retail price, but jack up their postage costs so that you end up paying more than retail. Most of the good stuff I find is from people who are clearing their own wardrobes of things that they never really wear.

When you find items that you like, do a few things before you click "bid". First, check the photographs of the item - are the photographs clear, do they match the description of the item in the listing, can you see any colour fading or any unmentioned faults? Next, has the seller given measurements for the item? If not, ask for them! If the seller can't be bothered providing measurements, then they don't need your money. It's not going to help you if the size medium they're selling isn't the same as the size medium you usually wear. If they do provide measurements for you, compare them to measurements from garments that fit you nicely. Then, consider the item carefully, and compare it to things you've tried on in the past - if high-waisted bell-bottom jeans didn't look good on you in the Valley Girl changerooms, they're not going to look any better if you buy them on eBay.

Now that you've picked an item, and can be reasonably sure it will fit and suit you, you need to decide just how much you're willing to spend on this item. Don't go over your limit! It's easy to get sucked into bidding wars and end up spending way more than you intended to because you want to "win". If you have to, tell someone else what you want your maximum bid to be and have them place bids for you. And as a last note, always take postage costs into account - I've seen some sellers who hold off calculating postage costs until after the end of the auction, and then jack up the prices exorbitantly when the item doesn't sell for as much as they hoped.

Here's another good little video - again, most of the tips are the same, but it does include a good guide to "sniping":

Chain stores and department stores:
These are really pretty much the same thing when you look at it - except some department stores charge ridiculous prices for their goods, which are no better than the stuff from chain stores in the first place. I tend to avoid stores such as David Jones and Myer like the plague - and even more now that I work for Trade Secret, and we get some of the same stock, often for less than half the price. No offense to anyone, but I'd rather pay the cheap price for the cheap stuff than pay the expensive price and only think I've gotten higher quality stuff.

Ok, I got a little off-topic there. Now, when I go into chain/department stores I make a beeline straight for the sales table. I know lots of guides to shopping say to avoid sales tables/sales racks, but I say the opposite - by all means, go and scope them out. Just don't be tempted into leaving with items that are too small, too big, too wierd, or ill-fitting just because they're only $5. In those cases, you might as well keep the fiver and go buy a coffee instead, because it will be far more useful to you than an item of clothing you'll never wear. When shopping the sales tables, generally follow the same guidelines as when thrift shopping - take your time to search, try things on, check them for faults etc. Most stores won't offer exchange or refund on these items, so choose carefully. However, if you have sewing skills, then barter with the sales assistants over faulty items. Unlike thrift stores, in chain or department stores you may be able to swing further markdowns due to faults in a garment, and if you can repair them easily, then the fault doesn't really matter.

Another tip I have is one that most people seem not to endorse - go shopping at the end of the season! Lots of people seem to think that if you shop at the end of a season then you're destined to leave the store with piles of garment rejects that are only cheap because they're somehow defective, and no-one else wanted them. It's completely bogus. Shopping at the end of the season is as simple as shopping any other time - if you don't like something, or it doesn't fit, don't buy it. The positive side of shopping then is that if you do find things you like, that fit you well, you get them at extremely reduced prices. It's also an excellent way to pick up those pricey pieces you've been eyeing all Summer/Winter. Maybe you can't wear them now, but next year you won't have to worry about finding them. And, if you're like me and wear jeans all year round, any chance to get jeans for cheap prices is greatly appreciated. Lastly, if you're enamoured with something that isn't on sale, ask when they are next having a sale - most sales assistants will be happy to tell you when their store is having certain sales (provided they actually get told in advance, because that doesn't always happen).

And there you have it lovelies, it's that simple. I know it probably seems like I'm repeating the same advice over and over again, but that's only because bargain shopping like a pro really is that easy. So long as you have time and patience, anyone can do it. But what about you guys? Are you bargain-savvy shoppers, or high-expenditure shoppers?

Until next time, xo.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gratuitous Looklet Day!

Hello lovelies,

It's a fact, I'm completely obsessed with Looklet. Here's the hard evidence, see for yourself:

So, (for those of you who are into this kind of thing), what do you think of Looklet? Better than Polyvore? Flash in the pan? I'd be interested to hear some opinions apart from my own!
Until next time, xo.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dizzee + T-Pain + T-Swizzy

I posted up a video of Dizzee Rascal's "Holiday" a hot minute ago. Then XL (or some other fussy goober) got a wee bit angry and had the video taken off of YouTube. Boo. Hoo. The video's nothing special, but jeez - the song is remarkable and the ladies are splendid.

And then there's this Taylor Swift disaster and a half that I somehow missed until now. Yea, I get it. Parody of "Love Story." Blah, blah, blah, whatever. But if you're gonna poke fun (whether it's at yourself or another) and it's gonna be very much in the public eye (as most things involving T-Pain are), at least take the time to make it both a) funny and b) well put together. Yeesh.

Sorry for hating.

It's pretty great that two-thirds of the videos I post get taken off of YouTube, right?

Monday, September 7, 2009

What's Bugging You?

photo by alibubba

Hello lovelies,

So, what's bugging you? No really, what's bugging you? Do you even actually know?

I thought I did, until recently. There was always something bugging me - but it was always something trivial. I didn't get that job because of my weight. People don't like me because of my weight. My whole future happiness is going down the toilet because of my weight. If only I could lose that weight, everything would be beautiful. And then, when I lost the weight, I couldn't make friends because of my nose. And it bugged me - you know, everything going so wrong because of one little thing. But it wasn't really just one little thing - it just took me six months of depression, two panic attacks and a few visits to a psychologist to figure it out. The real thing bugging me wasn't little at all, it was actually pretty big. You see, all these little problems were stemming from the one big one - I didn't think that I was worth anything. I didn't think I deserved to be happy, and I couldn't reconcile conflicting parts of my personality - for example, being obsessed with fashion and yet finding it obnoxiously difficult to make friends with other females. All that my dears, is what was bugging me, only I didn't know it.

Now I listen to what my body and my mind are really telling me, and I work with that. When I'm acknowledging the big things, suddenly the little things don't seem to matter so much. So, here's my advice - don't pretend that things aren't bugging you when they really are. You can save yourself a whole lot of grief if you acknowledge these things and then deal with them in a healthy fashion. It's completely ok to be upset and confused about big issues in your life, but covering them up won't do you any good. Do whatever you have to - yell your problems out to the world, write them down in your diary (or blog, if you will), go running, make fabulous twisted art. Just don't shove your issues down and try to forget about them. They certainly won't go away. Own what's bugging you, don't let it keep bugging. Being honest with yourself is a whole new kind of freedom.

So, I'll ask you again lovelies, what's bugging you? Lie to me if you want, but not to yourself.

Until next time, xo.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What I Wore Today, Weekend Edition

Hello there beautifuls,

I know I've neglected my little blog this weekend, but here's a double helping of outfit photos as a peace offering. Please forgive me?

Say hello to my lazy-uni-student-who-may-be-considering-running-off-to-join-a-harem ensemble. I may be slightly obsessed with wrapping crazy-looking scarves around my head at the moment. I'm rather sad that I didn't really do much in this outfit - I just sat around at home and caught up on some uni work, then had a rather satisfying nap.

Outfit Rundown:

Scarf (wrapped around head): Loot, $5
T-shirt: Jay Jays (Skelanimals), $20
Belt: Jay Jays, 2 for $15
Jeans: Target, $25

And, here's what I wore to represent my University in a class experiment aiming to find out whether babies can distinguish between female and male bodies when they hear female or male voices. It's quite interesting stuff actually, and it was pretty cool to be part of an actual experiment - my uni degree is pretty much all theory-based. Plus, you can look pretty presentable while wearing leopard print.

Outfit Rundown:

Shrug: Fashion Fair, $5
Necklace: by The Boyfriend (of course)
T-shirt: Target, $4
Jeans: Kmart, $30
Boots: $39.99

Not bad for my first foray into wearing less black, is it?

Until next time, xo.

Hair Coloring Adventures

Hello lovelies!

Well, I dyed my hair - not that you can really tell, since I waited until it was dark to take the picture. Oh well, at least you now know what I look like when I'm really surprised or confused. So, pretty much my usual expression. The colour is a deep red with a hint of violet anyway.

So, I've been dying my hair (and my hands, forehead and the bathroom sink) this colour for about two years now, and I'm starting to get a little bored. I just don't know what colour to go with next. Actually, I'd love to dye my hair electric blue or bright purple - but working in retail and unnatural hair colours don't exactly go hand in hand. So really, I'm at my wits end. Any fabulous ideas for me to try? If so, let me know!

Until next time, xo.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Ting Tings + Calvin Harris

I didn't like TKO (Katie White's old pop/punk band). I don't like The Ting Tings (Katie White's new pop/punk band). Personally, I was sick of the latter by the end of that dumbass iPod commercial. Yes, Shut Up and Let Me Go was catchy and upbeat. Yes, The Ting Tings fit well with Apple's corporate image. But no, The Ting Tings are not a good band. If you added up all the lyrics of their singles you'd get the vocabulary of a seriously damaged five year old. Calvin Harris, who is on his way to where Timbaland was in 2007, somehow manages to turn one of their songs into something good.

Rich Kids + Luda + Lil Scrappy

Apparently Rich Kids are a big deal these days. Of course, I didn't realize this until about a week or so ago. I remember downloading their "Patna Dem" a minute ago, liking it, but for some reason or another forgetting about it. A month or more later and I'm left scratching my head trying to figure out just how I went about forgetting such an infectious tune.

And y'all can thank Lil Scrappy and Ludacris for bringing the cut back into my consciousness. The track didn't need improvement in the first place, but that's not to say these two dudes giving it some of their flavor isn't much appreciated. Peep:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Things I love Thursday!

Hello there Thursday! Here's what I'm lovin':

  • Merhada Miss Peregrin! - Now you know how to greet people in Turkish. I love flickr, and the random happy greetings in different languages. For some reason, it makes me feel all fuzzy inside, you know?

  • Being asked to work extra hours - The Boyfriend and I could really use the money. I'm saving up for holiday sewing/fashion/design courses, we need spending money for our steam train trip in two weeks time, and The Boyfriend wants a new lense for his camera.

  • Seeing a baby bird learning to fly on the way to one of my University lectures - and Mumma bird feeding it. Way beyond cute.

Baby Bird 08 by Allie's Dad

  • Friday nights - The Boyfriend works from 12AM - 7AM Wednesday and Thursday morning, meaning I don't really get to see much of him, since I have university and work in the day, or (shock horror!) get to sleep beside him. We're very cuddly people, so this is a big loss. But Friday nights, we're back in the same bed, and it's the best night of the week.

  • I sprained my ankle, had to miss two University classes, and my dance class and still didn't let it ruin my day. That's really not like me at all, and I'm pretty damn proud.

.story of my life by introvertevent

Other happiness gems: $5 woolen scarves from Loot; wearing said scarves wrapped around my head; watching old episodes of Veronica Mars in the middle of the night; Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars and his crazy answering machine messages; cuddles with my little dog; The Boyfriend stopping what he's doing to watch me practice my belly dancing; anticipating thrift-store shopping with The Boyfriend on Friday; old patchwork blankets; a new tie-dye denim bag that can fit my uni books, change of clothes for dance class, lunch, and enough thing to keep me entertained for a three hour break between classes; Yen magazine; and coke zero - despite the hatred everyone else seems to have for it.

Have you got a list? What are you happy about this week?

Until next time, xo.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fictional Style Icon - Veronica Mars

Hello there beautiful readers,

I have a major girl-crush and I have for awhile actually. So let me introduce you to one of my fictional style icons - Veronica Mars, a 17-year-old sarcastic psuedo-private investigator from the elitist and cutthroat town of Neptune, California. A once care-free, normal teenager running with the popular crowd, perfect boyfriend and fabulous best friend in hand. Until Veronica's best friend Lily is brutally murdered and her father accuses Lily's father, the richest and most well-loved man in Neptune of her murder. Veronica's mother walks out, her friends abandon her, and Veronica makes the change from high-school sweetheart to the bitter, snarky, badass and totally bitching girl I love, while trying unravel the mystery behind Lily's murder.

And of course, she does this while wearing some majorly kick-ass threads. Veronica always manages to walk the line between tough and sexy - while accessorising with her amazing camera, and various other spy gadgets. Her outfits are stylish, yet practical. A good mix when your days may include chasing down fugitives, finding a class mates missing father who is now living as a woman, or dealing with the normal rigours of high school and teenagerdom. But what really does it for me is her attitude. No matter what people say about her, or what people do Veronica doesn't give a crap. She's insanely intelligent, freakishly witty, incredibly gorgeous and has lots of crazy connections in low places - like her buddy Earl down at the impound lot. What's not to love about a girl like that?

Veronica Mars got me through my teenage years, all the way back in 2004, and I don't think I'm going to get over this crush anytime soon. I will stop short of dying my hair blonde and becoming a private investigator - I'll keep the private investigator part for my own imagination. What fictional characters are pushing your style buttons this week?

Until next time, xo.

Style Statements

Photo by Sita Marie

Hello lovelies,

Over here in the Land Down Under (or at the very least, in Queensland, Australia) Summer is sneaking up on us very fast! Only a few weeks ago I was wandering around the house in my trusty old hoodie, possibly carrying a blanket wrapped around my shoulders, and now the last week has been beach-worthy weather. In order to stay ahead of the curve (and since Spring and Summer are essentially the same in Australia), I'm going make my style statements, or fashion affirmations, if you will, for Summer right now - the end goal being that I won't spend another Summer slouching around in jeans and a printed singlet from Jay Jay's. Although, there will probably still be a fair few printed singlets from Jay Jay's. I just can't help it! Moving right along, here are my style statements for the upcoming Summer months:

  • No more thongs (jandals, flip-flops etc. - not the skimpy underwear) except at the beach - Let's face it, they're uncomfortable, bad for your feet and pretty ugly. The only thing they're really good for is making your way across unbearably hot sand at the beach when you don't want to ruin your good shoes. I'd like to try working some more fashionable sandal-type shoes into my wardrobe this Summer.

  • Skirts & dresses WAY more often - I own lots of lovely dresses and skirts, but because pants are my safe option they never end up being worn out of the house. Part of this is a confidence issue, which I'll just have to work on. The other reason is that I like to sprawl all over park benches/couches/the ground, and wearing a skirt or dress is just not dignified in those situations. Perhaps I shall have to invest in some leggings/tights for this one to work? Lots of maxi-dresses? Who knows!

  • More colour! - Let's face it, I wear so much black that I scare people at my University into thinking I'll beat them up when they make jokes about Goth's. It's not that I don't want to look like a Goth, or that I don't like black. I just tend to always go for black as an easy option. I'd like to try working some of the bright colours that I like almost as much as black into my wardrobe for the Summer.

  • Rock cool ways to keep your hair out of your face - I have a ridiculously large collection of hats and scarves. I'm pretty sure I actually have a trilby for every day of the week. Stripes, skulls, patterns, bowler hats, caps covered in pictures of Wolverine...ok, I think you get the point. Basically I want to keep creative, and use the things I have to keep cool before I rush out and buy more.

  • Wear sunscreen every day - If you've seen the picture of me wearing shorts, you'll know I'm white as a sheet. I'd like to make an effort to wear sunscreen every day, mainly because my skin needs the extra protection. I know I should be wearing it every day, even in Winter, but a girl's gotta start somewhere right?
Summer Shopping List: Denim shorts of varying lengths, a black maxi-dress, bright coloured singlets, a tailored button-up shirt, a bikini that actually fits, a nice sarong, a sexy new beach towel, harem shorts, red gladiator sandals, tights cool enough for Summer wear, jelly sandals, bright green, blue, yellow and purple nail polish, a shorter hair cut, a new hair colour and lots of sunscreen!

It's not a long list I know, but a few subtle changes can make quite a difference to your overall aesthetic. Anything you'd like to change about your style for the upcoming season? I'd love to hear from someone else!

Until next time, xo.