Monday, May 2, 2011

What I Wore Today

Hello there lovelies,

It's been a whirlwind of a weekend, in both good and bad ways. Fights were had, lady-dates were attended, crying occurred by the bucket-load, and a lot of plans were changed - but more on that subject later. Saturday night was brilliant. Imagine, four ladies, a seemingly endless supply of junk food, a bottle of scotch, a deck of Uno cards, and High School Musical 1, 2 & 3. Good times, good times. Anyway, to the delight of many, I wore clothes to this occasion.

Outfit Rundown:

Jacket: Trade Secret, $20
Long-Sleeve Top: Trade Secret, $12.95
Pants: Kmart, $20
Boots: Trade Secret, $29.95
Owl Necklace: Trade Secret, $3.95

So, it appears that this is another OMGZ STACEY, WHY DON'T YOU JUST BUY EVERYTHING FROM YOUR WORK outfit. On that topic, the tag for the top I'm wearing specifically said that it was meant to be a dress. I am of the opinion that I should start a "things that are labelled dresses at my work, but are clearly not" tumblr blog. Seriously, this thing barely even reaches crotch level and it's labeled a dress. Worse is the fact that I have seen things about three inches shorter labeled as dresses. THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP.

I felt incredibly dapper in this ensemble, even if the photos are a little terrible. Literally ten second after I went outside to snap some shots it started pouring down rain. Pouring with rain that literally stopped about ten second after I gave up, and hopped into my car to drive to my friends' place. Apparently Mother Nature was not as big a fan of this outfit as I was. Oh well, you can't please everyone right?

Until next time, xo.

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