Friday, May 13, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

I'm just going to throw it straight out there and ask who else felt a little bit lonely being without Blogger for two days? Perhaps it makes me a little sad, but I felt a bit lost not being able to tune in to all your blogging adventures! I was so happy to see Blogger was working (mostly) again this morning, and to catch up on my daily reading. Here's to all the bloggers out there who really make my days! (And here's to your weekly dose of random linkage).

Am I Wearing Pants? A handy flowchart for those of us who sometimes get confused.

Running out of interesting DIY ideas? Ever thought of sewing a terrarium? So cute!

Speaking of cute, here's a pretty simple tutorial for DIYing yourself some sweater clips.

Nobody Tells This To Beginners is very wise & salient advice for those starting out in a creative profession.

On Paleness is an incredible article about being pale, how people react to paleness, and why we feel the need to criticize skintone. Oh, the discussion in the comments is great too!

These Owl Painted Stones are the possibly the cutest things I have seen all week.

I need to learn to crochet, so that I can crochet myself an apartment like this one.

Gym-Going For The Awkward Woman
is a rather amusing, and encouraging read for anyone who is as clumsy as me, and considering a gym membership.

You can call us that name, but we will not shut up is an AMAZING speech, given at the Boston Slut Walk about how the word "slut" works in our culture.

Make Something Cool Every Day
- one piece of creative work, everyday, for 365 days. Rad.

This is a video made by the coolest 16-year-old in existence.

This is a video made by one of my best friends (the sneaky romper-buyer, also known as My Favourite Canadian) for her Youtube channel devoted entirely to videos of her doing random things & making random sounds whilst wearing a moustache. I love her so much.

Well then, I guess it is time for me to get off the couch and do something productive. Housework perhaps? More likely something photography or DIY-related. Hehe, housework can always wait, right?

Until next time, xo.

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