Sunday, May 29, 2011

What I Wore Today

Hello there lovelies,

Oh my gosh, I can't believe that it is back to worm tomorrow already. I haven't even washed any of my uniforms yet. I've been too busy spending yesterday crocheting, and today revisiting the animatronics exhibition from last weekend, & photographing at the Japanese-themed gardens in Ipswich. I really need to get to some processing & developing of film. I realized that I haven't had any new photography for you guys to see for quite a while now! At least you lucky ducks get to see what I was wearing, even if comfort was more on my agenda today than style.

Outfit Rundown:

Long-sleeve Top: Trade Secret, $12.95
Pants: Roxy, $29.95
Boots: Trade Secret, $29.95
Owl Necklace: sent to me by the lady with the chutzpah, Sarah.

I got a few snapshots from the animatronics exhibit with our point-and-shoot digital camera. I didn't bother taking it last weekend because I assumed photography wouldn't be allowed, but they did have a few things you could take photos of. Excuse the poor quality - our point & shoot is about a million years old, and flashes weren't permitted.

Today I met a unicorn!

Or, at least half of one.

I also met a rather funky-looking monster from the movie Pitch Black.

And the crocodile from the live-action Peter Pan movie.

Or, you know, at least his head and tail.

Rad. I hope your weekend has been half as good as mine - and perhaps a little more productive.

Until next time, xo.

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