Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ramble of Rambling Proportions


Hello there lovelies,

Just a note to begin with: I'm sure you will be disappointed to know that this post has nothing to do with owls, despite the owl picture. I just fuckin' love owls, ok? Alright then, now that's sorted let's move right along. I've been blogging here for almost two years now. Crazy huh? I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I started blogging as a tactic to help manage my depression. When I started I was between jobs, completely broke, having panic attacks and without any idea of what I wanted my life to be.

As silly as it may sound, the blog gave me a reason to get up in the mornings (and, as gross as it may sound a reason to shower and get dressed). I purposely picked fashion & style as a blog topic because I enjoy talking about it, and it was safe. Fashion was something I could concentrate on that didn't make me freeze and panic about the future. I still love fashion, and style, and I still spend hours obsessing about clothing and designs. But that's not all I am y'know?

Honestly, I've been feeling like I'm stifling my voice a little to only write about one topic. Thus, in the near future you may notice a bit of a direction change for this humble blog (or maybe just more inane rambling). Either way, I want it to reflect the whole person I am a bit more, and be more of a record of me. Perhaps more like a journal? I'm not really sure.

But we'll see lovelies, we'll see.

Until next time, xo.

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