Friday, March 25, 2011

Bag Raiders

Devoted Panda Toes fans may or may not know that I spent ten weeks or so studying and working and interning and such in Sydney a few years back. And goodness me, the things I'd do to get back to Australia. The weather? Great. The music? Even better. The girls? Are you kidding me? Don't even get me started on the girls. And you mean to tell me that some of the aforementioned girls will even get all gushy and such because they think this weird Texas-Midwest hybrid accent of mine is dreamy? Yes please.

Anywho. I went to see Bag Raiders last night, and it was. Well. Australia-ey. I get embarrassingly idealistic and start to romanticize January 2008-March 2008 any time I get a whiff of Australia. Totally forget the fist-sized cockroaches and the not having any money thing and all that jazz. Just remember the weather and the music and the girls. So I mean I'm sure the show was great, but I was too busy daydreaming about Australian girls to really notice. Like the lyrics to this chorus? Yea, something along those lines plays in my head every time I see an Australian girl. I'm so hopeless.

Also, is "Snake Charmer" not one of the most swag songs ever? Seriously.

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