Saturday, March 19, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

It's been another whirlwind week (particularly that elusive "weekend" part). Yesterday morning I went to breakfast to celebrate the fact that My Favourite Canadian now has permanent Australian residency! WELCOME TO THE COUNTRY HONEY! And I found out that the store I work at will be back up and running in four weeks. Snaps for not being shunted around Brisbane any more.

10 Ways To Stay Happy, Quirky and Inspired. I tell you, the cuteness never ends from this lovely blogger.

Sal of Already Pretty weighs in on Dressing To Attract Partners. What are your thoughts?

The Sticky Subject That Is Wal-Mart is an interesting discussion of consumerism and poverty.

A is for Ackbar
"is the ridiculously adorkable Star Wars-themed alphabet created and illustrated by Brandon and Emma Peat for their new son, Tycho." Vader is the cutest!

Tutorial: Slashed Combat Boots
, from the lovely Syl & Sam makes me hope I can find a pair of second-hand boots to slash up sometime soon.

F*ck Yeah Headlines. Because who doesn't love a guy that illustrates newspaper headlines?

If You Watch It Backwards is another great website for a little time-wasting, and a lot of hilariousness.

Mini Travel Guide: Australia is a pretty cute quick peek into the sights to see in the Land Down Under.

On a similar note, brush up on good old Oz with Australia 101, written by the wonderful Sarah of Misfits Vintage. She covers every topic, from the Royal Family of South Australia, to the reasons why you should never accuse a New Zealander of being Australian.

I'm a little short on the links this week, but each of them is worth their weight in gold. Which would be A LOT of gold, I'm telling you.

Until next time, xo.

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