Friday, March 25, 2011

Photographic Interlude

Hello there lovelies,

If you've been reading my Twitter spam you'll know that I've been suffering from terrible hayfever today, and had the day off of work. I acheived zero productive stuff, apart from going to the Dr. to be prescribed some nasal spray, sewing half a dress and downing some scotch. Thus, now is as good a time as any to show you the results of my first roll of black & white film, taken at the Roma Street Parklands last weekend. I am particularly proud because we developed the film ourselves, and The Boyfriend is kindly printing some shots for me as we speak (or type).

I have to admit that before I used black & white film I wasn't really sold on it, because I couldn't imagine viewing the world in only black & white. But I fell in love with the way that it brings out the contrast and texture of a scene, and injects an interesting sense of personality into everyday objects. I still can't imagine being confined to viewing the world in black & white for the rest of my life, but I can't wait to get some more black and white shots.

Until next time, xo.

P.S. As as added bonus, since I'm too unwell to operate a camera today, here is a ridiculous picture of me downing some scotch about two years ago. YOU'RE WELCOME.

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