Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

Oh gosh, another week where I suck at being a blogger. Jeez real life, why do you have to get in the way all the time? I'm back at my beloved home store this week ( *plugplug* Trade Secret Oxley re-opens 18th of April), where we're working pretty dang hard to get everything put back together for the grand re-opening. I do think it's a little silly that all these business are just re-building where they got flooded, without making any modifications, but it's still good to be home. I'm going to have to exercise all my willpower to not go on a spending spree of my new Ladieswear department though, as I've already had a sneak peek of some really cute Winter stuff. I've been so exhausted every night this week that I haven't really been getting much done. Today has been allocated as my "catching up on housework and blogs" day, so without further ado, here are my linky finds for today":

Labels Are Only Good On Wine is an excellent post about boxing ourselves in with the labels we give ourselves.

wouldn't trade it for the world
is a really cute lovey-dovey type post.

Don't Be Jealous (No Really, Don't)
combines two of my all-time favourite bloggers, with a great point.

Chuck Norris
- always good for a laugh!

More free owl stuff! Seriously though, this owl appliqué is so cute it should be illegal.

Eff The Odds (aka Cat Nuggets) might just make you teary if you're as sooky (and kitty-loving) as me.

I refuse to be afraid of visibility. A-freaking-men sister.

Measuring Up To Your Grown-Up Dream is a post that really resonates with me at the moment.

The cutest cupcakes
in the entire world. Total food porn.

How To Steal Like An Artist (And 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me)
was quite an inspiring read.

The Question of Health
is a great post, and there's plenty of interesting debate in the comments.

Just in case you've been living under a rock, I love this video of a "conversation" between twin baby boys.

And that's all from me folks. I think I'm going to have another nap. I've already had about three today. It's ridiculous - I've read the same page of my book on 35mm film about ten times. The Boyfriend says I work too hard. What do you think?

Until next time, xo.

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