Sunday, March 13, 2011

What I Wore Today - Rambling Edition

Hello there lovelies,

It's been a pretty good weekend in my end of the world - although I can't say the same for our peers in Japan, or Christchurch for that matter. I am shocked and saddened by the natural disasters racking our planet at the moment. I know it's bad, but I've been avoided watching the news, or keeping up with the death toll because it makes me so upset. I urge anyone who can spare a bit of cash to donate to the Red Cross Appeals that are running at the moment. Every little bit helps.

As for my weekend, I went garage-saleling, learned how to develop black & white photographic prints, went on a photography adventure (on which I used two and a bit rolls of film), and attended a baby shower that was full of delicious baked goods. This is the life baby.

Saturday Outfit Rundown:

Striped Tee: Trade Secret, $5 , customised by me.
Singlet: Bonds, stolen from The Boyfriends' drawer.
Pants: Trade Secret, $10.
Shoes: Were taken off and abandoned long before these photos.
Owl Necklace: Trade Secret, $8.95

I wore this (plus shoes) to go and poke around the garage sales. Although, we really only went to one garage sale where we found a goldmine of vintage photography gear. I'd tell you about it now, but it really warrants its' own post. Coincidently, we also scored most of the things we needed to start a darkroom second-hand this week. Obviously, we then proceeded to set up a makeshift darkroom in our bathroom (bathing is for sissies).

Sunday Outfit Rundown:

Dress: Trade Secret, $10.
Scarf used as belt: Loot Homewares, $7.95.
Shoes: Trade Secret, $14.95
Owl Necklace: Trade Secret, $8.95

Figured I better drag my radioactive legs out at least once this Summer. I was feeling very colourful today. Probably something to do with going to celebrate some good friends procreating. They have painted their nursery lime green, thus they are going to be the best parents ever. We shared womanly war stories, and ate lots of appetising food. Fact: this afternoon I consumed my weight in scones, zucchini slice, quiche, dip, cheese and cake. Nom.
Another fact: I actually didn't wear this on our photography adventure. I am not graceful enough to go on a photography adventure in a dress this short. Third fact: I am possibly draping this scarf over myself and pretending to be some kind of belly dancer right now (without the possibly part).

What about you pumpkins? How was your gap between Friday and Monday?

Until next time, xo.

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