Saturday, March 5, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

The weeks are flying by again - I can't believe that it is already March! I can't wait for Autumn & Winter to hurry up on their way. I've well and truly had my fill of Queensland Summer, rain, humidity and storms. But the world keeps turning, and interesting links keep coming. Enjoy!

How Tattoo's May Change Your Life is a really great perspective from a beautiful lady, who just happens to be heavily tattooed.

UrbanCatDesign, a new line of cat furniture
is quite possibly the most adorable cat-related thing I've seen this week.

Desperately Seeking Mama Biscuit is the cute and funny blog of the most beautiful and fashionably attired pug dog I've ever seen.

Why I Find Strength In Britney Spears
is both an amusing, and touching read.

DIY Suspenders,
courtesy of PS I Made This, and the ever-amazing Man Repeller.

Change Your Style, Change Your Life
is a really great read, and I can totally relate.

Style Icons - Mila Kunis
- Oh lord, I could not have said this any better myself. Secret: I am probably in love with Mila Kunis.

The Dainty Squids' amazing collection of owls is amazing. Amazingly so. I probably love owls even more than I love Mila Kunis.

7 Reasons Ladies Love Lord Voldemort
is absolutely bitchin'. After reading this even I want to marry him.

This corseted white t-shirt is certainly on my To-DIY list.

The Stories We Tell & Why They Matter
is another really interesting article.

I hope you guys are having great weekends out there!

Until next time, xo.

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