Monday, March 14, 2011

Me - An Ongoing Project

Hello, I am Miss Peregrin - although I also respond to Stacey, as that is my real name. I developed the moniker Miss Peregrin from my high school nickname, Pippin. Not only am I a huge Lord of the Rings fan, I am also incredibly clumsy and sometimes slow on the uptake. My high school friends called me Pippin after a weekend watching the Lord of the Rings movies. You know the bit where they are in the Mines of Moria and Pippin touches the arrow of the dead dwarf, sending the whole skeleton catapulting into the pit? My friends were certain that if real life was anything like Lord of the Rings that I would be the only person clumsy enough to do that.

I am a dreamer. I spend so much time dreaming that I often have trouble focusing on reality. I love writing, photography, design, art, music, films, fashion - if it's creative, then I probably love it. On an unrelated topic, I often make lewd jokes involving some form of sexual innuendo at the least appropriate times. I also have a habit of letting whatever is in my head come out of my mouth without thinking about whether it sounds like sexual innuendo. You probably already know that I'm obsessed with owls, because it is impossible to spend ten minutes with me without realising that. You might not know that I cry in episodes of House, episodes of Stargate:SG1, episodes of Farscape, episodes of Glee, and in children's movies involving talking animals (as well as in The Green Mile, but that's not the point). In fact, I cry when I am overly happy, sad or angry. Apparently I am also good at making myself sound like some kind of perverted sook on the Internet.

A month ago The Boyfriend and I celebrated our four-year anniversary - which we both forgot about, so there really wasn't any celebrating. As soon as The University of Queensland pulls it's head out of it's ass and processes my request I will have a Bachelor of Behavioural Science. Not bad for technically being a university drop-out. I pulled out of the degree I started a year before finishing because I realised that being a psychologist didn't appeal to me as much at 21 as it did at 18. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I don't really know where I am going with life. At the moment I am happy just to be taking joy in life, and learning new things about the world everyday.

I don't think I've said anything here that I intended to say when I started. But then, that is another thing that I do quite often. Off-topic rambling in my house? That's probably me. Sometimes I think I must be confusing even to the people who know me the best. But that's ok, because that's just me.

Until next time, xo.

P.S. My Mum was a babe, don't you think?

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