Hello there lovelies,
It's been another relaxing day here in Clermont. It's hard to believe that I fly back to Brisbane on Monday night. I am fairly certain that I won't be able to sleep for the next week or so down there, because I've gotten so used to the nightly silence, and darkness up here! I'm pretty sure that I had never actually heard silence before this trip. You think things are quiet in Brisbane, but you can still hear trucks, horns, sirens & random factory noises in the background. Brisbane darkness doesn't have anything on Clermont darkness, that's for sure! Who knew there were so many street lights (and who knew I was such a city girl)?

Outfit Rundown:
Dress: Op shopped in Wollongong, $5
Striped Cardi: Trade Secret, $19.95
Tights: Ambra, $6.95
Boots: Trade Secret, $29.95
Owl Necklace: Gift from
The Lady With The Chutzpah

'Scuze the incredibly random pose. I wanted to show the awesome of these stockings - I've been chasing a pair ever since I saw them appearing on blogs. Got to say that I wouldn't recommend this particular brand though. This is the first time I've worn them, and I've already put three holes in them, and they are pilling. Plus, I erred on the side of caution and got the Extra Tall size which is supposed to suit ladies quite a bit heavier and taller than me. However, they are already losing opacity on my legs, and are only just long enough for me. This dress was a great score though. I had to ask one of the lovely op shop ladies to grab it off one of their mannequins for me, and it had been marked down to $5 from $10 because it had been there for so long!
Oh, is anyone else having trouble with Blogger & commenting lately? I can't leave comments on a few of your blogs - it seems to be the ones without a pop-up box for comments. I type my comment, and then it takes me to a messgae that says I'm not authorised to view that page. Weird. Lovely
Nelly, yours is one of them, I'm sorry! I'll tell you here though, that there is an op-shop in Clermont. Only one, and it is only open on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 10-2:30. I haven't been yet, but I'm itching to go because there is a sign in the window saying that all items of clothing are $1!
Happy weekend everyone!
Until next time, xo.
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