Sunday, August 7, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

It has been a good weekend, despite ending the week in a bad funk & dredging up a lot of old bad memories. I spent most of my time on Saturday ambling about the house, doing a bit of baking, and looking at beautiful photographs on tumblr. Then today The Boyfriend and I went to photograph vintage cars & trawl the markets at Greazefest. No luck with the markets (it seems to be mostly second-hand gear from chainstores being resold at ridiculous prices), but the cars were beautiful. Hopefully, my three rolls of film will be developed by Thursday so I'll have some photos to show you. For now, you'll just have to be content with a collection of random links to things that have amused me this week.

Accidental Chinese Hipsters - because we all love incredibly random tumblr blogs.

Life Is Hard
is a rather hilarious collection of first world problems.

A must-read for everyone this week: How to Make Blackberry Vodka. Obviously, essential reading.

Hand-stitched, beaded, owl coin purses? You know I'm so totally there. Not enough crazy owl love? Then check out this collection of owl teapots while you're at it.

Memories Of Grunge is a beautiful, nostalgic post.

Thera Joyce of Crafty Pirate has concocted some dangerously adorable new aprons.

What isn't great about installing a slide in the train station for passengers that are running late for their trains? THE WAY OF THE FUTURE I TELLS YA.

Getting Cozy In The Body That You're In is a great post about making what you have work for you, instead of working against it.

How To Deal With Disappointment...With Yourself is another really great post, offering some good advice on how to cope with letting yourself down.

Love this tutorial for turning an old necktie into a camera strap. A great use for the $1 ties you find at most op-shops.

In case you didn't know, it's Star Wars Month with Max California! Check out the fun, like this tutorial for making a necklace out of lego lightsabers.

Speaking of awesome Star Wars things, I love this (horrendously good at getting stuck in your head) song about Boba Fett. And his 'vette. And his backpack, with jets.

Enjoy lovelies,

Until next time, xo.

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