Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another Rambling Ramble

Hello there lovelies,

I promised more rambling, and I always make good on my promises. I cooked dinner from scratch tonight. I know that won't sound like a big deal to some people, but I haven't properly cooked a meal from scratch since high school Home Economics classes. It was much simpler that I had envisioned. Meat, vegies, noodles, tomato paste, soy sauce, and half an hour later I'd made a stir-fry. Mine isn't the one in the picture, but it did look incredibly similar. It wasn't difficult, or particularly time-consuming, and there were no tears (and surprisingly little sweat) involved. In fact, I'm left wondering why I ever bothered buying stir-fry sauce in packets or jars. The more I research recipes, the more I wonder why I have ever bothered to buy meal bases, or pre-made pasta sauces, or anything of the like.

I suppose we have to believe that these things are hard. Otherwise supermarkets wouldn't be able to sell their pre-made things. I think that people my age are especially vulnerable to the marketing. We've grown up in a generation that always needs more, and wants it all now. It's normal for us to want "the next big thing", and buy now, pay later. We're taught to like things that minimize the time we have to spend doing anything -prepackaged foods, remote controls, "drive-thrus". I think I'm a pretty good example that this doesn't always work for us. Having a house full of things didn't make me, or The Boyfriend any happier. It just made us feel cluttered, and wasteful.

Although The Boyfriend & I deciding to simplify was motivated by wanting to save money, I'm actually really enjoying getting back to basics. I'm enjoying it way more than I ever enjoyed ordering pizza. I'd forgotten how much I love cooking. I'd forgotten how much I love eating fresh vegetables. I'd forgotten how much I love to take care of things, and watch things grow. This weekend I plan to dive right back into baking, and I really want to try my hand at making my own soap (although the combination of me and caustic materials may be dangerous). At the moment, I have three favourite parts of the day. The first one is in the morning, when The Boyfriend & I head out to tend to our little vegetable garden (and our worm farm). The second one is coming home to cook dinner. The Boyfriend washes dishes, while I potter about the kitchen with my recipe book making a meal. The third one is heading off to bed and falling asleep in The Boyfriends' arms. One of the hardest things for me to remember is how little it actually takes to make me happy - when I forget about trying to force my happiness.

Until next time, xo.

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