Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

I must apologise for my recent absence - especially to those of you who were worried about my disappearance! I assure you, I am still alive. I haven't been murdered by any of the many deadly creatures in Australia, I was just taking an unintended break from the internet. After ,my sort-of breakdown a few weeks ago, I've been trying to reduce the demands on my time to give myself more time to relax & unwind. Avoiding the internet served that purpose really well, and I'm still trying to avoid my laptop unless I actually have something specific that I want to do on it. I'm slowing working it back into my day in small doses though, so I'll be around. In the meantime, here's all the stuff I've been loving this week:

One of my lovely lady friends introduced me to this hilarious comic, featuring a family with an owl Dad.

60 Awesome Portraits of Gay Couples Just Married in New York State made me get a little teary. Ok, maybe a lot teary.

This post about sustainable style, and the guilt of consumerism resonated really well with me. I feel very similar in a lot of ways at the moment.

The most beautiful words that I have heard
in regards to the recent tragedy in Norway.

I am seriously considering coating my entire house in this wallpaper. Landlord be damned!

Self-Love Fluctuations - a great post about why you shouldn't be worried if you don't feel 100% happy with yourself 100% of the time.

I just re-read all of the posts in this fantastic Thrifting 101 series. Now I'm itching for another op-shopping trip.

BurdaStyle put together a great post about improving the fit of your handmade clothes.

I just had to include these incredible sculptures made from recycled owl feathers.

Who thinks their day could be made better by a gallery of photos of animals hugging each other? Anyone? Just me?

I loved this post on the life, and death of Amy Winehouse and the media circus surrounding her.

You have got to check out Sarah's take on this cool tutorial for glitter shoes. Fabulous!

Possibly the best video ever. It features lots of bad Harry Potter puns, and alcohol.

Enjoy lovelies!

Until next time, xo.

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