Ayo. Boys. Girls. It's been what, five months now? Yea, five months. Way back in September I was tellin' y'all about, "Blah, blah, blah, I really wanna DJ a party with NSR, this, that, and the other, blah, blah." Well ladies and gents, dreams do in fact come true. NSR and I now rock together the first Wednesday of every month at The Blind Barber and the second Thursday of every month at 49 Grove. It's truly magical, and it sounds a little something like this:
NSR - The War on Hugs
What's more, I've got three mixes to share from our friend Scott Melker. First up is Scott's The Melker Project. A wild tape full of mash-ups done live on turntables, not production software. Really impressive, infectious stuff:
Scott Melker - The Melker Project
And since the above mix is sure to leave you wanting more, check out Scott's Valentine's-appropriate Knockin' Boots series. The first of the two is one of my favorite mixes in the history of ever. It dropped in 2008 and never got old. The second picks up just where the first left off. A prime selection of 90s R&B. Grade A baby-makin' music:
Scott Melker - Knockin' Boots
Scott Melker - Knockin' Boots 2
And last but not least is Dirty South Joe and Flufftronix's Luvstep 2. Dubstep creeps me out. Annoys me. Irritates me. Etc. But DSJ and Fluffy's Luvstep was a classic. A wonderfully done mix. I haven't had time to check out the second (it was released just minutes ago), but I'm sure it's just as splendid. Peep them both at the Luvstep website and be sure to catch the dudes on their release tour:
Dirty South Joe and Flufftronix - Luvstep 1 + 2
Aight, so that's that. I'd like to be all, "I'm totally gonna start posting again, let's get the ball rolling!" But yea, that's probably not gonna happen. But y'all might as well leave me in your RSS feeds just in case.
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