Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

There is so much for me to do at the moment, which is not helped by the continuous 36-degrees-Celsius days we keep having here! I have a week left of my leave, and heaps of stuff to sell to get organised. Luckily, I always have time to procrastinate on the internet. And look at crazy awesome links.

Your Body is not a Fashion Statement a short, but straight to the point & awesome post from Musing of an Inappropriate Woman.

Vix's Guide to Big Hair is a quick & easy tute for big, beautiful hair, from the lovely Vintage Vixen.

Be Kind To Yourself
is yet another amazing piece by Sal of Already Pretty.

I'm not really into Valentines Day, but this Valentine Gift Guide from Owl Barn is super-cute (and super-owly).

Harbour Master is my latest style crush.

Things I Learned in College That Didn't Come From a Textbook
is pretty brilliant.

Check out these amazing dancing kids
. I just want to put them in my pocket.

On Being a Plus-Size Girl in a Skinny World
is a great guest post by Medicinal Marzipan, on yes and yes.

For wardrobe remixing inspiration check out the Remixer List for the latest 30 For 30 challenge, at Kendi Everyday.

Why I'm going on my first ever shopping ban is a nice read, from Ruby Slipper Journeys.

Some amazing photography in Splash Fashions 2011 calendar (via Haute Macabre).

Wicked is my new all-time favourite musical. Look it up on Youtube to find performances from the original broadway cast - both of the original leading actresses have recurring roles on Glee.

Phew. I think I may now lapse into a heat-induced coma. Enjoy!

Until next time, xo.

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