Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We Know EVIL DEAD 4 Is Coming ... Why? Because Bruce Says So!

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Collider / Bruce Campbell

Talk about news coming straight from the horses mouth!

Rumors of an "Evil Dead" remake/sequel have been around for some time but now according to Bruce Campbell the film is actually going into production.

This is what Bruce had to say via Twitter, “Believe in the remake, dawg! The project is real. In the works. Cool as hell. Scary as hell.”

At this point it is not known if Campbell will indeed reprise his role as Ash in the film or even if Sam Raimi will be involved.

Early rumors had Campbell working behind the camera with Raimi sitting in as a producer.

An "Evil Dead" without Bruce Campbell as the star ..... count me out. He owns that role dawg!

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