Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Marble Players + Canblaster + LOL Boys

OK, so Institubes is no longer a label. Yes, that's a big bummer. But fear not. Surkin, Para One, and Bobmo started a new label called Marble Players. Unsurprisingly, every Marble Players release to date has been fire.

Anyhow, the three founders teamed up to release MRBL005: Marble Summer. And as expected, the whole thing's bangin'. And as if the songs weren't fabulous enough, the crew had the dude Jerome from LOL Boys whip up a video for "Let You Go" (which just so happens to be my favorite track on the release). And per usual, Jerome goes off and shows us just how much better he is at the internet than the rest of us.

And then there's Canblaster. In case you haven't heard, Cedric kind of changes the game with everything he releases. He's. Just. That. Good. Anywho, the chap just dropped his Totem EP through Marble Players, and it's fire. God bless Marble Players. God bless Club Cheval.

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