Monday, July 18, 2011

Best of the Interwebz

Hello there lovelies,

I know I have been incredibly absent the last week (and a half), and truthfully I'll probably be pretty absent until the end of this week as well. I managed to talk upper management into giving me some "emergency" leave from work, so I've got this whole week off. Apart from doing a bit of housework for our rent inspection, and testing out exercise games on our new Nintendo Wii, I have been doing sweet-absolutely-nothing. I think the rest is doing me good. I finally seem to be shaking that virus I've had for the last few months. While I'm scarce, you can always read these awesome posts:

Brilliantly smart-ass responses to completely well-meaning signs. Pure, hilarious gold.

Don't Keep Up With The Blogging Joneses, Just Keep Up With Yourself is a great article about feeling pressure to "keep up" with the rest of the blogosphere.

I quite enjoyed these random statistics about the traits of dog owners vs. cat owners.

Gotta love a good vintage tea towel decorated with owls. No seriously, it's like a rule - you have to love them.

Absolutely adoring this blog post about depression, crazy hair colours, and creating happiness.

I love you with all my boobs. Read this, I promise it will make you giggle.

Perfecting a Talent - a great article about bringing the best out of your natural talents. Creating a Superior YOU is another lovely post from the same blogger.

Why fat is not a feeling is a post that I can really identify with, exploring why we may "feel" fat in particular circumstances.

A hilarious song that may not make much sense if you're not Australian, or at the least aren't familiar with the song Waltzing Matilda.

These guys are good at writing funny songs about Australia. Here's why you should all come and visit me.


Until next time, xo.

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