Friday, December 17, 2010

Best Of The Interwebz


Hello there lovelies,

Yet another whirlwind week has passed by (where on earth did it go?). Everyone gets really pissy around this time of year, and I don't know why. It makes the working week pretty annoying though, since both customers and other retail workers are all perpetually pissed off. At least I have all you awesome bloggers to keep me happy! Speaking of which, here's links:

True Story: I'm On Broadway! is another great post from Yes & Yes's interview series.

It's A Scarf...Or It Can Be A Bag
- why, why did no one think of doing this sooner?

This tutorial for DIY Bandaged Leggings, by Syl and Sam reminds me how much I need to get back to DIYing.

I loved Sewing Pixie's rant Yes Bitch, I Am Eating That, about people judging what you eat.

Awesomely easy necklace-scarf from an old t-shirt tutorial. I have been wanting one of these for so long.

20 Ways to be more Healthy & Happy
is another cute post from Jacque of A Quirky Girl's Thoughts.

Gala Darling celebrates her 4th year of blogging. Congratulations Gala!

Make Owl Origami! Cute, boredom curing, and involves owls? Sounds good to me.

The ever-amazing Sam & Syl, of Lipgloss and Black have released a drool-inducing lookbook of their designs. Go look, I dare you.

My favourite place to buy dorky t-shirts to refashion, Jay Jays, finally has online shopping!

Real Women Have _____ is another great post from one of my new favourite blogs, Average Fantastic.

I am in love with this rainbow wedding, that was featured on Rock n Roll Bride.

Check out the Best DIY Trends of 2010, over at A Pair and a Spare. Inspiration central!

So loving the Threepio and Artoo swimsuits by Black Milk, and this amusing post about them at Has Boobs, Reads Comics.

Another new favourite blog alert: The Man Repeller. Read this great article about the blog & blogger from the New York Times.

Lessons from Less, a post from Zen Habits really complements my current frame of mind.

Ok, it seems the Panda-Men are Real - panda handlers dressed up as pandas to avoid spooking the panda cubs.

How was your week? How is your weekend looking? Got links?

Until next time, xo.

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