Monday, April 19, 2010

Does Not Play Well With Others

Hey there lovelies,

I'm having a really hard time of things right now. Over the weekend, The Boyfriend and I helped a friend, and his girlfriend move into our spare room. They're in a spot of trouble, so we thought we'd help out. The only problem is, this arrangement is driving me freaking batty. I'm about ready to lock myself in my room, and staple a "does not play well with others" sign to my forehead, whilst I sit in a corner, rocking in the foetal position. The Boyfriend and I are used to each other - he knows not to bother me when I've just gotten home from work, and I know (mostly) not to chatter to him when he's reading. We've gotten used to each other. Trying to get used to a new routine, with new people is hard. Not to mention, results in a severe lack of spontaneous sex in the lounge room. The main problem is personality clash - especially between us and my friend's girlfriend.

I really want to try to make this work as smoothly, and civilly as possible, so I'm asking (or pleading) for your help. Does anyone out there have any tips for sharing a house with others, especially if your personalities clash? Share your tips in the comments, or just share your crazy housemate stories! Please, I need all the help I can get!

Until next time, xo.

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