Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What I Wore Today, Volume Nine

Hello lovelies,

Well, University semester has officially started again - and I gotta say, I'm really not feeling it this time around. However, it does offer me good opportunities to wear cool outfits, as I get to leave the house much more often, yay. So, here is what I wore to go to the doctor, run some errands and will be wearing to my lectures tonight. I was feeling rather dull, so cue sparkles, a unicorn and just a little bit of nerd.

Outfit Rundown:
Silver Button-up Top: Lifeline Warehouse (Westco), $2
Long Sleeve Shirt: Kmart, 2 for $18
Jeans: Kmart, $30
Unicorn Pin: Hervey Bay Markets, present from Mummy Dearest
"Broken Image" Necklace: Broken Image pendant from Think Geek , $19.99, chain crafted by The Boyfriend

So, this semester I'm going to be learning about psychological research, applied psychology, infant development and crazy things in social psychology. I'm also thinking of taking up a hip-hop dance class, and a yoga class at the University gym. Plus, generally being fabulous. If there's anyone out there also studying, what does your semester look like?

Until next time, xo.

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