Hi boys and girls. Welcome to the new and unimproved Panda Toes. Since I'm well aware of the fact that each and every one of you internet fiends can hunt down any track I post about, I'll no longer be wrestling with zShare and Y.S.I. links; instead, I'll be posting videos and encouraging y'all to buy the tracks I write up (knowing full well that you'll probably just steal 'em in cold blood).
Ahem. So now that that's out of the way, let's get onto some music. In particular, Jack Peñate's "Tonight's Today." I guess the dude released an album (Matinée) that did relatively well on the U.K. charts. Still, word on the Wikipedia tells me that the release got some not-so-rave reviews. Which means that either a) Peñate seriously stepped his game up for this single or b) people are haters. Or both. Anyways:
Welcome back, Panda Toes faithful. Let's do big things.
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