Sunday, July 11, 2010

What I Wore Today, Weekend Edition

Hey there lovelies,

Sheesh, I am so friggin' exhausted. Right now I'm procrastinating when I should be packing to head back to Toowoomba. Also, my managers surprised me today when I dropped into tell them about an orthodontist appointment and they told me that their manager had told them I'm staying in Toowoomba for an extra week to help with a few shifts after the store is actually open. The only thing is, no one told me this! Oops. Also, I forgot to tell you all that yesterday I had my legs removed, and now just have part of my couch between my hips and feet. Check it out:

Outfit Rundown

"Help Me Paris" Necklace: Emily The Strange Pendant, $10, necklace made by The Boyfriend
Mens dress shirt: Garage sale, $8
Grey Singlet: yoinked from The Boyfriends drawers.
Black Cords: Kmart, $19
Boots: Kmart (Grosby), $30

People gave me alot of wierd looks in this outfit. I was all like "what you've never seen someone prepare for a show-jumping contest after just rolling out of bed with their boyfriend, while wearing a scared chihuhua on their neck?", and then I realised that even sounds a little wierd to me. I felt pretty damn rad anyway, so whatever. Obviously I'm still working out the settings on The Boyfriend's fancy SLR camera, but I assure you that I was kidding and do in fact still have legs. Enough crazy, onto todays outfit!

Outfit Rundown

Long-sleeved Shirt: Trade Secret (Sass), $12.95
Pants: Jay Jays, $10
Boots: Target, $40
Scarf: Made by me from two t-shirts!

I pose ridiculously, and this does absolutely nothing to rouse my cats from their deep sleep. All is well with the world. I actually started today wearing a train drivers cap, with the scarf tied around my waist, but this is what the outfit morphed into. I love it when outfits take on a mind of their own and force you to do things with them. What do you mean this is something else that only happens to me? Ok, maybe I'm a wierdo. What are you wierdos wearing?

Until next time, xo.

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