Friday, March 19, 2010

Style Statements

Photo by Me.

Hello there lovelies,

It seems like the time of year to do another set of style statements - Winter appears to be knocking on my front door. Cardigans and light hoodies have already been making appearances, even if that is mainly due to the torrential rain we've had for most of the past few weeks. I am pretty much over the moon about this sudden cooling in the weather, and about the fact that at work our Winter stock is rolling in. I love Winter fashion. As soon as the beanies, scarves and jackets start appearing, I start losing my friggin' mind. I'm like a kid in a candy store. A kid who really, really loves candy. Anyway, I'm going to lay out my goals for making this a more stylish winter.

  • Take advantage of cool Winter accessories - There are so many cool accessories that just don't work in an Australian Summer. Scarves, chunky knitted hats, woolen tights, cute beanies, gloves, rainbow toe socks! *swoon* I'm so jealous of people who can wear these things all year round. This Winter I want to take advantage of all the great accessories I can wear in the cold.

  • Try out some crazy layering combinations - Once again, I am supremely jealous of people who have weather that means they can layer clothes all year round. I love the layered look, but in Summer here it is impossible to do without dying of heatstroke. I want to try working more interesting layering into my wardrobe for Winter. (For layering inspiration, see Sal at Already Pretty - she rocks it hard).

  • Buy new (more flattering) jeans - I have gained weight in the last year, but the main problem is that the weight has redistributed itself differently. Whereas I always had bigger shoulders than hips before, I now have a more hourglass-ish figure. I have these curvy hips and boobs that I never had before. I love it, but it also means that skinny jeans are no longer very flattering. Flares and bootcuts are my new weapon of choice, preferably in dark/indigo denim.

  • Get my hands on some less casual Winter wear - We all know that I'm a big fan of hoodies and jeans. But I've noticed lately there is quite a deficit in my wardrobe when it comes to "going-out" gear. I'd like to get a nice structured jacket, and a blazer for more dressy occasions, as well as some dresses that I can wear without freezing my ass off.

Winter Shopping/Sewing List: Sequinned beanies, blazer, basic long-sleeved shirts for layering, woolen tights, long-sleeved white work shirts, new work cardigan, knitted vests, a sequinned jackets, Winter-appropriate dresses, some nice thick tights, well-fitting jeans in flattering styles, colourful tops to break up my inevitably black winter attire and of course, some comfy but flattering Winter gear from Jay Jays.

As usual, these aren't huge changes. I'm more trying to push my style evolution in a certain direction rather than overhaul my whole aesthetic. I've been feeling like I'm in a bit of a style rut lately, so I'm making an effort to break out. How about you guys? Any style changes of late? I know most of you are going into Summer, but I'd still like to hear about it.

Until next time, xo.

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