Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year & Administrative Issues

Photo by stephenk1977

Well hello there lovelies!

I'm currently on a little bit of a holiday in my semi-home town of Hervey Bay. However, I realised earlier today that I haven't shared all my plans for the coming year, and I have ever so many of them. I'm not usually much of one for making New Year's resolutions, but this year it feels like exactly the right time to try and make a fresh start. And what fresh start couldn't use some goals to give it a bit of focus?

My main goal for this year is just to say yes to as many opportunities as possible, and really put myself out there. I'm someone who often declines invitations, or accidentally allows interesting opportunities to pass by. But I figure that I've made so many really big change in the last little while, that "in for a penny, in for a pound." I plan to try pretty much anything that comes my way this year, and say yes to as many social invitations as I can. As a result, I hope to gain some new hobbies, and new friends.

Secondly, I want to put the work into making my business ideas feasible. I want to sew/design as much as possible, and learn as much about dressmaking/design as possible. I also want to learn more about business, finance, management, merchandising, fashion buying, and anything else that might be relevant. I'm going to take advantage of every opportunity I come across at work too, just so that I can keep learning.

Thirdly, I want to put more effort into being fit and healthy. I'm starting with reinstating my regular exercise plan, and choosing healthier meal options. But I want this to encompass all of me - I also want to spend more time taking care of my hair, my skin, and keep my mind working. I want to take up yoga and bellydancing on an official "class" type basis, and read a new book every few weeks. Generally, I want to take better care of me.

And lastly, I have a lot of changes in store for this little blog. These include new content, post scheduling, and possibly a change to Wordpress/my own website. I have big plans, so watch this space! I'd also like to do some study of web design, and photography. Learning is fun! Anyway, stick around guys, I'm hoping to start updating with new content more regularly as of tomorrow.

How's your first few days of 2010 been? Have you got any changes in mind for the year ahead?

Until next time, xo.

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