Saturday, May 7, 2011

What I Wore Today - Even More Ado About Jumpsuits

Hello there lovelies,

It's been a pretty lazy day today - sleeping in, phone calls to my Mum, playing with dogs, running out for bread and milk - but that's no reason not to wear a romper, right? Especially when this one was bought for me by one of my best ladyfriends. She convinced me to try it on, and when I changed out of it she goes "Hey, can I have a look at that?", and then ran straight to the counter with it while I was still half-naked in the change rooms and unable to protest. It has been a present-filled week, since I also received a package from the fabulous Sarah, of Misfits Vintage.

Outfit Rundown:

Long Sleeve Shirt: Bonds, $16.95
Romper/Playsuit: Present from My Favourite Canadian
Tights: Kmart, $10
Boots: Target, $40
Owl Necklace: Present from the lovely Sarah

Annnnd, I totally didn't notice my necklace was twisted until I uploaded this photo.

Ignore my demon eyes, focus on the side-view of the fabulous romper. Might I add, this is by far the most complicated romper/jumpsuit that I own to take off when you need to pee. There are multiple buttons, a zipper, and a whole lot of shimmying involved. I guess rompers are my version of high heels (without the worry of broken ankles) - they look good, so who cares if they sometimes make life a little difficult.

Here is a close-up of the beautiful little guy who came in the package from Sarah. Isn't he lovely?

Also from Sarah came this darling little book & this incredible candle. I made such a fuss opening this package in the car on the way home from work that The Boyfriend thought I might be having some kind of episode. Brain imploding from too much awesome perhaps?

These lovely things were more presents from my sneaky romper-buying Favourite Canadian. Well, technically she was passing the owl bag along from another friend who is unavailable for socialising at the moment as she now has an 18 day old baby! I am planning some kind of photo series involving the plushie of Max from Where The Wild Things Are. It will be rad.

Until next time, xo.

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