Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Horrifying Trends That I Love #6

Hello there lovelies,

It's that time again. The time where some godforsaken trend sneaks it's sneaky way up on me, and all of a sudden BAM - I'm obsessed. It's a horrific cycle, and one not easily escaped by someone who works in retail. This time it's a little strange though. Perhaps even stranger than my obsession with harem pants, and heart-shaped sunglasses. I'm obsessed with owls. That's right, owls. On everything. Owl print t-shirts, owls on jewellery, owl-shaped hats. Well, actually, I'm yet to see an owl-shaped hat, but if I did I'd probably fall in love with it. Has anyone else noticed the plethora of owl-related fashion objects popping up all over the place? Just in case you missed the owl memo, here are a few cute owlish things to help you start your own obsessions.

Owl Ring by yakarina.

Owl Pocket Watch Necklace by lifelittle.

Owl Mary Janes by EmandSprout.

What's your verdict guys? Are you also feeling the owl love, or are you thinking I've finally taken too many antibiotics this week? I figure someone else out there must be with me, because there are seriously about 10 t-shirts available at my work with owl prints, as well as piece of owl jewellery. Plus, regardless of their fashion abilities, owls are beautiful animals. However, I am also willing to accept the idea that I am just crazy, because lets face it, that's just the plain truth. Let me know anyway, because I'll have to tell The Boyfriend whether or not to ship me off to the crazy house with a trunk-full of owl-related goodies.

Until next time, xo.

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